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All the pictures shown in the Current
exhibitions section or Other
in permanent exhibition are available for purchase through Pressphotoitalia/ Galleryonline©. |
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Each picture is recognized
as an authentic and original one, obtained by the print of the original
negative executed under the direct control of the author/
photographer or, in the case of a dead author, by those who have the legal right of reproduction. The pictures have been made in definitive and unique print; this excludes the possibility to obtain some others prints from the same original negative. Each print edition consists in a maximum of fifteen pieces (in respect to the french law - 22/12/1991 - that recognizes with a maximum of thirty pieces the artistic status in the case of multiple artworks). Each picture in its backside has an autenticity certificate with a declaration signed by the author/photographer himself or, in the case of a dead author, by those who have the legal right of reproduction; further declaration will be given by a warrenter, chosen by the photographer or by the lawful owner, in the case of dead author/photographer, among the experts in the fild of the history of photography. This certificate will specificate the print number in the limited series of thirty pieces (1/15=the first of fifteen prints, for example), indications about the place and date of execution of the picture, indications about the place and date of print execution and about the printer of the copy. Only in few cases Pressphotoitalia/ Galleryonline© sales "vintage" pictures, that's to say pictures printed in the same period of the original negative. Our choice takes in consideration the print quality (that normally distinguishes the "vintage" of the journalistic photography during the 40s, the 50s and 60s) produced for the practical and daily use of the newspapers. The pictures available for purchaise in the "vintage" print, are mentioned inside the explanation corrisponding to Current exhibitions or Permanent exhibitions. |
The purchase of the pictures must be booked by fax, e-mail or by post.
The easyest way consist to fill up the suitable form in every part. Every
order must specificate your address, the exact indication of the catalog
number referred to the picture/pictures you intend to purchase, (from 000001
on) and other informations about the author photographer, the place, date
of execution, subject of the photo; that's to say all the explanations
reported in Current exhibitions
or Permanent exhibitions. Anyway
the orders booked by e-mail must be confirmed by fax or post through the
sending of the form filled up and signed, or by an analog written order.The
addresses where send the booking are the following:
(fax) Artware/Pressphotoitalia
0039 0432 882399
(e-mail) artware@iol.it
(post) Artware/Pressphotoitalia,
Via Ognissanti 4/4 33019 Tricesimo (UD) Italia.
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When Pressphotoitalia
Galleryonline© gives you the confirmation of your booking
(by fax, e-mail or by post), you must pay the corrisponding price of the
picture as indicated in the explanation of Current
exhibitions or Permanent exhibitions,
one of the following ways:
- bank order addressed to the following
bank current account:
The payament must be done only in Lire italiane or U.S.A. Dollars. The payament (the sending by fax or post to Artware/Pressphotoitalia of the receipt corrisponding in the case of a bank order) will determine the immediate spedition of the picture/pictures with invoice price. At your request, you can receive at home a copy of the picture you have selected in a hight-resolution by e-mail or CD-Rom version as a sample. |
Below is reproduced the facsimile of the form for the purchase of the pictures shown on Pressphotoitalia/Galleyonline. For to use it is enough to click on the voice purchase order in the end page menù. |
TOTAL AMOUNT PURCHASE MODALITY bank order on c/c BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA ( ROMA , Italia , filiale P.zza di Spagna ) credit card VISA MASTERCARD name of the person to whom card is issued birthdate card n° expiry date pagamento in contrassegno SIGNATURE OF THE PURCHASER SIGNATURE OF THE ARTWARE AGENT DATE