The Company's principle administrators and consultants are actively involved in teaching and research at the Torino Polytechnic Faculty of Engineering - Department of Hydraulics, Transport and Civil Infrastructures (Transport Department). They are also involved in continuous professional updating through participation in courses, seminars and conferences, in addition to training activities at scientific-cultural associations devoted to their particular area of expertise.


Mr. Giorgio Oliveri has a degree in Civil Engineering- Transport Department. He wrote his thesis on "Application and Discussion of a Multimodal Distribution Model for Human Mobility in the Biella Area". He won a prize for degree theses on topics regarding "Models for Transport Planning and Models Supporting the Decisions" after participating in the 1995 competition announced by the Piedmont Councillorship for Transport and Infrastructure Planning. Since 1996 Mr. Oliveri has been a member of the Engineering Association of Torino Province. He is also a member of the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering and the College of Italian Railway Engineers. He is an expert on the following courses in the HO4X- Transport sector: Planning of Transport Systems; Transport Management Techniques and Economics; Transport Planning, which he taught at the Torino Polytechnic Engineering Faculty (academic year 1997/98). Since July 1999, he has been authorized to issue certifications according to articles 1 and 2, Law Decree 25/3/85.

Mr. Oliveri has also participated in the following activities:

Mr. Oliveri also holds certificates for his participation in the following:


Ms. Antonella Villa has a degree in Civil Engineering- Transport Department. She wrote her thesis on "Urban Contexts: Parameters of Mobility, Accessibility and Safety ". She is a member of the Engineering Association of Torino Province, the National Urbanistic Institute and the Italian Engineering Association of Traffic and Transport.

Ms. Villa has participated in the following:


Professor Francesco Iannelli has a degree in Mechanical Engineering- Transport Department. He wrote his thesis on "Estimate of the Potential Demand for Line 1 of the Torino Subway System". He has been a member of the Engineering Association of Torino Province since 1972 and is also a member of the Italian Engineering Association of Traffic and Transport (AIIT) and the World Highway Association (AICPR).

Since 1972 Professor Iannelli has taught at the Torino Polytechnic Faculty of Engineering- Transport Department. His teaching experience for the Engineering Faculty includes:

Professor Iannelli is in charge of research for the Ministry of the University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST), acting as a collaborator on various topics concerning transport. He is also responsible for the formulation of City Plans for Civil Defense agreed on by the Polytechnic and the Region of Piedmont. Since 1998 he has been the Torino Polytechnic's scientific expert on the topic: "Models for Optimizing Parameters of Traffic Management for Urban and Extra-Urban Road Networks- Regarding Problems of Environmental Pollution, Safety and Tolerability", which is part of a research program of important national interest: "Infrastructural Planning and Traffic Control on Road Networks for the Improvement of Safety and Environmental Quality"

Professor Iannelli has also held the following positions:


Professor Mario Villa is a member of the Engineering Association of Torino Province, President of the Commission for Mobility and Transport of the National Urbanistic Institute (INU) and already regional President (Piedmont and Aosta Valley) of the Italian Association for Traffic and Transport Engineering.

His other activities include:


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