The Company operates primarily in the field of territorial planning regarding the organization and designing of road systems and transport networks. It also works in the civil defense sector by preparing and drafting City Plans and Plans for Emergency and Evacuation.

After a direct examination of the supply and demand of transport and infrastructures, the Company formulates proposals for Mobility Planning, Planning of Transport and Roads and Projects for Urban Traffic and Circulation in various regions and for a variety of transport methods. It always takes into consideration the managerial-economic factors of the planner and/or administrator and backs up the requests with personalized software.

In addition, it carries out feasibility studies and executive planning at various levels, including the designing of traffic lights and intersections and provisions for a smooth flow of traffic.

Finally, the Company carries out simulation studies on the clients' conjectured scenarios of transport systems and road networks, using the principle mathematical models in the sector and environmental impact studies for transport and road networks as provided for by law.

After assessing the area and identifying the possible risks based on relative vulnerability maps, the Company formulates proposals for Civil Defense Plans at the metropolitan, inter-city and provincial levels and drafts the operative and warning procedures for emergency management and prevention. Each individual operator and team is assigned the necessary work required to face critical situations. The experience acquired permits the Company to back-up the local authority when the Plan and its procedures are made public and to supervise the periodic drills that are performed.

Thanks to the acquired know-how, the Company is able to develop vocational training for its operative personnel or those in charge of traffic management and train the technical personnel responsible for emergency management.

The activities are primarily aimed at the following sectors:

for which some very interesting studies have been published.

A) Territorial and transportation planning

B) Designing of infrastructures and civil and industrial works


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