"La materia è costituita di particelle cariche elettricamente, le quali, in base alla teoria di Maxwell, non possono essere immaginate come campi elettromagnetici senza singolarità. Per rimanere in accordo con i fatti, è necessario introdurre dei termini energetici, non contenuti nella teoria di Maxwell, tali che ciascuna particella elementare possa restare unita nonostante la mutua repulsione fra i suoi elementi carichi di elettricità di ugual segno. Per tener conto di questo fatto, Poincaré ha supposto che all'interno di tali particelle esista una pressione negativa che equilibra la repulsione elettrostatica. Non si può tuttavia essere sicuri che questa pressione sia nulla fuori della particella, e perciò aggiungeremo, nella nostra presentazione fenomenologica, un termine di pressione. Esso non dovrà però essere confuso con una pressione idrodinamica atta a servire soltanto alla rappresentazione energetica delle relazioni dinamiche interne della materia. In questo senso scriveremo Tμν=gμα gνβ σ dsα dsβ – gμν p." (Einstein Il significato della Relatività 1950 Boringhieri TO)
Nozioni elementari sulla resistenza dei materiali
Allorché sotto l'azione delle forze esterne si producono simultaneamente in un solido deformazioni di diversa specie, si dice che il solido lavora a resistenza composta; la trattazione dei casi di resistenza composta si basa sul principio della sovrapposizione degli effetti, che ha luogo finché trattasi di deformazioni elastiche, e quindi nei limiti delle deformazioni ammissibili pei materiali da costruzioni. Secondo tale principio: "Le deformazioni, prodotte in un corpo da più forze esterne agenti simultaneamente, si sovrappongono cogli stessi valori che esse avrebbero, se venissero prodotte separatamente dalle stesse forze, supposte applicate isolatamente una dopo l'altra." (Ing. Levi, Costruzioni... MI 1936 HOEPLI)
Bibliografia descrittiva
Supernove, congiunzioni planetarie e sismicità terrestre (sismologia quantistica)
Giovanni Imbalzano © 2012 Moncalieri
Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and
Earth seismicity
(quantic seismology)
Marea: "...il Sole interviene (solo) a modificare l'ampiezza della marea (acquea) ...la componente di gran lunga più importante della m. atmosferica è costituita da una oscillazione solare semidiurna... La teoria delle m. atmosferiche deve spiegare il fatto che la m. lunare è da 20 a 30 volte minore della m. solare, anche se la forza gravitazionale di m. esercitata dalla Luna è più che doppia di quella esercitata dal Sole, e che essa è a sua volta maggiore di quanto ci si attenderebbe da un calcolo basato sulle sole forze gravitazionali" (L.U.I. Treccani, 1974 Roma).
Premise: commonly we think that far-off asters, also the great planets as Jupiter or Saturn, they are able to influence gravity only a tenth of what the Moon can do, accountable for liquid tides and the earthly tides, as the earthquakes: the same action of the Sun penetrate below the surface earthly seems to be half of that lunar, and the tides contrast to the action of the Sun and of the Moon, reducing of a third the measurable value with a "pendulum of twist". However, if suddenly we miss the gravitational action of the Sun or of Jupiter, is evident that the effect on the Earth would be many more disruptive in comparison with the absentia of the Moon! Such we may certainly resolve such contradictions introducing the ratios of energy (potential) and not of force and acceleration. In such a case, quite the reverse of what over, the Jupiter or Saturn energetic actions are superior ten times in comparison with the Moon. It is well true that always does not have been possible that we have noticed seismic phenomenon in concomitance of strong planetary perturbations, but this only because the relative action is verified in a well determinate directions and in more tender geological places. In other words, we may consider the planetary perturbations as possible causes (necessaries but not sufficient) to sudden seismic effects, as the fuse of an explosive. More exactly, in a manner similar to the damping of a pendulum, such perturbations furnish the energy that is stored, while the possible movements of earthly clods force the oscillating system, increasing her power. G. I.
Seismic perturbation, Bode law and WIMP interactions (gravitational quantization)
Giovanni Imbalzano © 2013 Moncalieri
Perturbazioni sismiche, legge di Bode e interazioni WIMP (quantizzazione gravitazionale)
Follow me on "https://independent.academia.edu/GiovanniImbalzano" & "https://independent.academia.edu/GImbalzano"
~ ~
'12-'15 =:
1ª Phase
:= 1/7/16 :
14ª Phase
~ ~ ~
:= 01/07/18 : This Phase =:
11 440 BC: SN, and last but two geomagnetic inversion, with an intense seismic and volcanic activity. Epoch of the Nefilim (~10 500 BC, from Sumerians texts):
"They are on the Eatrh the Giants in those days " (Genesis 6.4)
6 295 BC: SN, and penultimate geomagnetic inversion with radioactive
precipitation (U). Neolithic (4236 BC: observation of the
Sirius star; wagons and circular constructions)
3 113 BC: geomagnetic inversion the latest. Gentlemen of the Sky
in Babel
(~3000 BC): "We get off so we confuse their tongue" (Genesis
1 800 BC: variation of C14. God of Abraham: "He raised the eyes
and he saw that three men's were with of he." (Genesis 18.2)
1 147 BC: SN..? Intense seism and radioactive precipitation (U)
600 BC: variation of C14
134 BC SN type I in Scorpio, of Ipparco and Chinese
5 BC SN Chinese, with alignment of planets (7-6 BC) and
variation of
C14: Magus’s to Bethlehem (birth of Christ)
Magus’s: "We have seen a star great, lamping among all
and become dark it insomuch that they it
disappeared!" Proto-Evangel of James XXI, 2
(~ 150 AC)
7-4 BC... 1987 AC.
The Magus’s or "Three Kings" had departed by the Orient two years before (Matthew 2.16) in occasion of the planetary alignment of the 7/6 BC, interpreted by Chaldeans as prediction of too great an event that must be verified in Bethlehem; they observed only then (Mt 2.9) the "fixed star" of maximum shine, that same observed by Chinese’s.
33 AC: Moon /
Sun conjunction, then opposition (total / partial eclipse),
whirlwinds in Cappadocia, 2 Earthquakes to Jerusalem (death
reappearance of
79 AC: eruption of the Vesuvius (and alignment of planets)
185 Chinese SN in Centaur (7/12/185)
386-393 & 436 (Centaur, Sagittarius, Scorpio) Novae..?
600: weak variation of C14
716-827 SN (?) in Scorpio, Novae..? Earthquakes in
Iran (856-893)
1006 SN type I in Wolf
15/5/1054 Armenia SN -type I (binary star) and/or
-type II Chinese Z (single-hit star) in Bull, with variations of C14
1181-1203 Chinese SN in Cassiopeia - Scorpio?
1224-1240 SN in Scorpio: weak variation of C14, devastate in
Anatolia (1268) and China (1290)
1408 Arabic SN in Swan: variation of C14; 1572 Brahe (II) in
Cassiopeia: conjunction (Mar, Jup, Sat) and long
Earthquakes (China 1556, Emily 1575)
1604 Kepler SN (I) in Ofiuco (**) with Mars and Jup in
1670 SN (II) in Cassiopeia
1700 26 gen.: Alaska e California (~ 52N 178E) m9.0; 1737 16 Ott.: Kamchatka, Russia (~ 53N 161E) m9.3
1742 1 Sep.:
triple conjunction (Mer, Jup, Sat) and partial occultation's:
1743 (Mer, Sat); 1746 (Mer, Ven); 1748 (Ven, Mar)
1750: strong Earthquakes (India, Portugal, Italia) with triple
conjunction of the day 19/4/1755 (Ven, Mar, Ura)
1755 31 Oct.: very strong Earthquake in Portugal (70-100,000 victims) m9: Sun ~90° on Sat / Jup, Ven ~90° on Sat / Moo & Mer / Ven (<=click!)
16 Dec.: Valdivia, Chile m8.5; 1761 5 Jun. & 1769 3 Jun.: transits of Ven*Sun
1833 25 Nov.: Sumatra, Indonesia m8.7: Jup*Moo/Ven ┴ Mar*Sun/Sat (<=click!); 1885 20 Aug.: Extra SN; 1904 SN (?) in Sagittarius
1906 22 Feb.:
triplet (Mer, Ven, Sat) and Earthquake of Valparaiso (16 Aug.
m8.3) with max magnitude registered for now (Richter scale)
1908 Jupiter / Saturn opposition (click)
on the axis Sun / Plu e Ven / Nep (click):
strong Earthquake of Calabria's Reggio and Messina (28/12 m8) with
80,000 victims
1920 16 Dec.: China (Haiyuan ~ 29N 111E) m8.6; 1926'50: other Earthquakes inferior to the precedent;
1942: SN “IC 4182”; 1952 11 Apr. h03.38r: Kamchatka (53N 160E) m9.0: Jup / Sat 90°on Jup / Sun / Mer / Ven and Sat / Nep / Moo (<=click!)
1960 22 May h14.19r: Chile (38.24S 73.05W) m9.5: Mer / Sun (& Ven) ~90° on Jup / Moo (& Ven) and Sat / Mar (& Moo) apparently external
1962 5 Feb: an alignment (conjunction) of Sun and Moon with five planets (Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn).
1964 27 Mar. h18.27r: Alaska (Prince William Sound 61N 147.5W) m9.2: Moo / Sun 90°on Mar / Jup and Sat / Ven
1967 6/9:
triplet (Mer, Juno, Ura);
1968, Jan-May: Earthquake of Belice (Sicily) in proximity of
various planetary triplets
1968 21-31/8: triplets (Mer, Ven, Jup) / (Mer, Ven, Ura)
followed from (Mar, Jup, Ura) 31 Nov.
1974/10/26, quartet (Mer, Ven, Mars, Ura): strong seism in mid-Orient (1972'74), in center-America (1972'76), China and Philippine isles (1976)
1976 7/9: triplet (Mer, Ven, Mar), strong Earthquake in Philippines, China and Friuli (Italy 1976)
23/2/1987: “1987A” extra SN, strong Earthquakes (Peru, China, Iran)
2000, 5 May: alignment (conjunction) of Sun, Moo with five planets (Ven, Mer, Mars, Jup, Sat);
9 May complete conjunction, planets at equilibrium!
2000 17 May h10:31, Ven*Jup in partial occultation (41.87"); 2000/2002: seism in Piedmont, Italy
2003 Dec.: Mar / Jup & Jup / Ear ~90° on Sun / Ear & Sat / Sun (<=click!), seisms in Iran (Bam 29N 58E) with 31 thousand deads
2006 15 Nov.: I. Kuril Islands m8.3: 10 Dec. triplet (Mer, Mar, Jup); 2007 12 Dec.: Jakarta, Indonesia m8.5
2007 1 Apr.: Salomon Islands m8.1: 23 Dec. alignment / conjunction (Sun, Mer, Ear, Mar, Jup, Plu) toward the galactic center
2007 -2012: intense seism and planetary alignment in the arc of a year (***)
2010 27 Feb. h01.43r, Chile (Offshore Maule 35S 72.5W) m8.8: Sat & Moo (& Sun) 90° on Sat & Moo / Jup (& Nep & Ven) & Sun, apparently external
2011 11 mar. h15:15r, Japan East (Honshu 38.32N 142.37E) 26 000 victims m9.0; 8 June: new type of Super-Nova outshines the rest.
Media of the SN appearance: every 100 years
*) ? =Not documented, extra Extra =Extra-galactic.
**) Sagittarius, Ofiuco, Scorpio, Wolf, Centaur, Cygnus and Cassiopeia:
constellations especially of population I (binary young stars predestined to SN).
***) Date (T-T Declination) Planets
2012/02/10 02:08:49 0.30352° conjunction Venus * Uranus
2012/02/13 opposition / Earth Mars / Neptune
2012/03/13 " Venus / "
2012/03/27 " Mars / Uranus
2012/04/29 " Mars / Venus
2012/05/02 " Mercury / Saturn
2012/05/19 " Venus / Jupiter
2012/05/22 05:32:11 0.38379° conjunction Mercury * Jupiter... then * Venus (click!): continue telluric movements in Emily, & 2012/05/28 on Pollino Mount m4.3
2012/06/01 20:18:52 0.19221° conjunction Mercury * Venus
2012/06/10 opposition / Earth Mars / Jupiter
2012/09/03 " Venus / Uranus
2012/11/27 01:11:50 0.52551° conjunction Venus * Saturn
2013/02/04 21:03:32 0.40627° " Mars * Neptune
2013/03/22 18:18:04 39.10" " Mars * Uranus in partial occultation
2013/03/23 opposition / Earth Mercury / Uranus
2013/03/24 " " / Mars, into two conjunctions (08/02-08/05/2013)
2013/06/27 " " / Jupiter
2013/09/21 " " / Venus
Alignments (↓click!) ~2013: 19'09' ☺ 21'09' Sat*Ven/Mar(30°), Jup/Plu┴Sun/Moo; 04'10' ☻ Pakistan 24'09': m7.7 effettivo (Tirreno B S m3.6 19'09') ≈ m7.9 Max planetario
19'10' ☺ 21'10' Jup/Plu & Mar/Nep (60°) Sun*Sat/Moo; 03'11' ☻ Japan 26'10': m7.1 effettivo (Toscana N m3.4 19'10'), m5.7→8.4 (default di Venere laterale) M. p.
23'11' ☺ (click→) Ven*Plu/Jup (45°) Sat*Mer/Sun, Atlantic Ocean S 25'11': m7.0 effettivo, Max planetario ≈ m6.6→7.1 con la Luna decrescente... 02'12' ☻
2014: 01'01' ☻ 06'01' Moo/Sat(45°)Ven/Jup & Mar/Ura┴Sun/Ear, 15'01' ☺ ≈ m6.8 Max planetario...
15'03' ☺ 16'03' Sat/Mer(30°), Jup/Sat(75°) Sun/Ear ≈m7.4±1.4 min-Max planetario... 30'03' ☻≈ m8.8 Max planetario...
14'04' ☺ Sat/Mar/Moo, Ven/Nep ≈35° Mer/Ura ≈90° Jup/Ear (≈78° Sun) Theoric Planetary Magnitude = m6.6±0.1, 29'04' ☻ ≈ m7.6 Max planetario...
28'05' ☻ 08'06' Jup/Plu (60°) Sat*Mar/Ven ≈ m5.8±1.3 Min-Max planetario 12'06' ☺
21'12'14 ☻ 25'12' Jup/Mar (30°) Ear/Plu*Ven*Mer (60°) Sun/Sat ≈m7.8±0.6 Max planetario
05'01'15 ☺2015: - 03'02' ☺... 04'02' Sat/Ura ┴ Jup/Mer ≈ m8.4±0.4
- 18'02' ☻... 01'03' Sat/Ven/Mer ┴ Ear/Nep ≈m8.3±0.8
- 05'03' ☺... - 20'03' ☻...
21'03 Jup/Mer (& Mar/Ura)
- 03'04' ☺...
04'04 Ven/Plu ┴ Ear/Mer ≈ m7.8±0.8; 12'04'
Sat/Ven ┴ Jup/Mer ≈ m7.8±0.8 Max planetario;
14'04 Sat/Mer
- 18'04' ☻... Influenza degli spostamenti dei Pianeti quali perturbazioni sismiche sulla Terra:
sia chiaro ai geologi che la variazione (δφ) nell'orbita degli oggetti in movimento da parte di masse (δm) intorno al Sole (m) soddisfa alla proporzione δφ/φ = δm/m, come viene da Landau - Lifchitz, Théorie du Champ (1963, pag. 435). Per quanto riguarda Giove (δm/m=1/10) che gira intorno al Sole con velocità angolare pari a 1/10 di quella della Terra, e riduciamo anche a 1/10 la sua influenza sulla superficie terrestre (all'equatore, 40,000km); otterremo che in un giorno terrestre le parti fluide, quale il magma in movimento che provoca i terremoti, sotto l'influenza planetaria tendono a spostarsi di circa 400km in un giorno, ossia di 25km in un'ora e mezza… a più di 10 volte la normale velocità del suono. Nota Bene: la Luna ed i Pianeti interni sono accoppiati più direttamente al Sole, ma occorre anche tener conto delle opposizioni che causano sovrapposizioni dirette e risonanze di campo.
- 18'04 Mar/Mer/Moo/Ear; 23'04 Jup/Ven ≈ m7.8±0.8
May 2015: 01'05 Sat/Ear/Mer ≈ m6.8±0.6 - 03'05' ☺... 05'05 Jup/Mer(/Nep) ≈ m6.8±0.6
- 18'05' ☻... 19'05 Sat/Ear/Moo/Mar & Ven/Ura ≈ m6.8±0.6; 29'05 Sat/Moo/Ear/Mer & Ven/Ura ≈ m6.6±0.8; 31'05 Mar/Mer/Ear & Ven/Ura ≈ m6.6±0.8
- 01'06' ☺... - 16'6☻... 19'06 Jup/Sun/Mer ≈ m6.6±0.8; 24'06 Sat/Ven/Sun & Jup/Ven/Ear ≈ m6.6±0.8
Jul 2015: - 1'7☺... 12'07 Mar/Sun/Ven + Sat/Sun/Mer + Sun/Ear/Plu & Mar/Mer/Ear ≈ m6.4±0.8
- 16'7☻... 24'07 Mer/Sun/Ven/Plu ≈ m6.4±0.8; 28'07 Ear/Sun/Mer & Mar/Ear/Plu ≈ m6.1±0.3 - 30'7☺...
Aug 2015: 03'08 Sun/Mer/Jup ≈ m6.1±0.3; 11'08 Jup/Mer/Ven/Ear ≈ m6.1±0.3
- 14'8☻... 15'08 Jup/Mer/Ven/Ear/Nep ≈ m6.1±0.3; 21'08 Jup/Sun/Ear & Mar/Sun/Plu ≈ m6.1±0.3; 25'08 Sun/Ven/Nep & Mar/Sun/Plu ≈ m6.0±0.4 - 29'8☺...
Sep 2015: 06'09 Sun/Mer/Plu & Mar/Ven/Ear ≈ m6.0±0.4; 08'09 Mar/Sun/Mer & Mar/Ven/Ear ≈ m6.0±0.4 - 13'9☻... - 28'9☺...
Oct 2015: 02'10 Jup/Ear/Nep ≈ m6.5±0.5 - 12'10☻... 16'10 Sat/Sun/Ven & Jup/Mar/Ven/Ear/Nep ≈ m6.5±0.5; 20'10 Mer/Sun/Plu & Jup/Ven/Ear≈ m6.5±0.5
- 27'10☺... 29'10 Sun/Mer/Mar & Mar/Ven/Ear + Mer/Ear/Ura ≈ m6.8±0.4
Nov 2015: 01'11 Sun/Mer/Jup & Mar/Ven/Ear m6.8±0.4 - 11'11☻... 25'11 Jup/Mar/Sun/Nep + Sat/Sun/Ear & Ven/Ear/Ura ≈ m7.0±0.2 - 26'11☺...
Dec 2015: 03'12 Jup/Sun/Nep + Sun/Mer/Plu ≈ m7.0±0.2 - 10'12☻... 16'12 Jup/Ven/Sun/Mer/Nep ≈ m7.0±0.2;
18'12 Jup/Sun/Nep + Mar/Ven/Sun/Mer & Ear/Mer/Plu ≈ m7.0±0.2 - 25'12☺... 26'12'12 Jup/Sun/Nep + Mar/Ven/Sun + Sun//Mer/Ura ≈ m7.9±0.4
Jan 2016: 6'1'16 Jup/Sun/Nep + Sat/Sun/Mer & Sat/Ven/Ear ≈ m7.9±0.4 - 9'1☻... 11'1 Jup/Sun/Nep + Ven/Sun/Ura + Ear/Sun/Plu ≈ m7.9±0.4
14'1 Sun/Ear/Ura & Jup/Mar/Ven/Ear/Nep ≈ m7.9±0.4 - 24'1☺... 26'1 Plu / Mer / Ear ≈ m8.6±0.5 29'1 Jup / Mer / Sun ≈ m8.6±0.5
~ Next Date, Oppositions & Planetary magnitudo Max (↑click↓) ~
Oppositions of... Feb 2016: 3'2 Plu / Mer / Ear ≈ m8.6±0.5 - 7'2☻... Mar / Mer / Sun ≈ m8.6±0.5 SEE for next: Alignments2016
Next Planetary MAXs: 22'2☺; simsg229.jpg m8.65; 6'4; ☻simsg407.jpg m9.27; 28'12☻ m7.64
CLICk!=> Космическая погода Space weather forecast December 1, 2015... 7-8/12: 5/10Kp, δm≈1.7
CLICk!=> Swarm Example <=CLICk!
~!~ Dec 2015 ~!~
Strato di SMOG stazionario sotto il lampione, Noli (SV) Italy '15-12-31 h7.23.05:
NEWs @esa 28'01'16 MARTIAN Labyrinth...
block of martian terrain, etched with an intricate pattern of landslides and wind-blown dunes, is a small segment of a vast labyrinth of valleys, fractures and plateaus. ^CLICk^
NOTE: as from my theory, the Mars location suffer more than Earth for planetary gravity & WIMP!
* Last Recapitulation *
Next Predictions: last magnitude {Gaussian tendency}→Max planetary...
Jan 2018: See 21 .th Phase <=CLICk ~!~~!~ TO ~!~
~!~~!~~!~ Jun 2018 ~!~~!~~!~
- 28'06 h04:27r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.29W) m5.3 d0.2; h08:37r, Calabria (CS-KR-CZ E Calopezzati 39.56N 16.83E) m2.7;
h19:02r, Adriatic N (MC-FM-AP SE S. Angelo 'Pontano 43.09N 13.40E) m2.5: general II Planetary Peak (δ≈-4/(6.03m-2g)≈2%);
h19:19r, Indonesia WNW (Piru 2.80S 127.62E) m5.1
Planetary Stress/Drag=m10±.8/8.*
- 29'06 h03:57r, Vanuatu ESE (P. Olry
15.14S 167.46E) m5.5; h07:29r, Hawaii WSW
(Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.2 d0.5; h11:16r, Calabria Nord-Ionio (KR-CZ-CS 38.66N 18.31E) m2.7;
h11:27r, Papua N. Guinea SW
(Porgera 5.93S 142.75E) m5.3; h20:56r, Mexico WSW
(S. Patricio 19.06N 105.12W) m5.9:
Swarm (δ≈-15g/7≈7%)
emi-Concordance (δ≈-3g/(5.52m/2)<4%)
- 30'06 h01:50r, Antarctic/Pacific Rise SE (54.66S
119.35W) m5.4:
h02:01r, Greece
SW (Methoni 36.64N 21.39E) m4.2:
h04:33r, Africa E/Somalia N (Bereeda 13.32N 50.86E) m4.7: see 19'6; h14:29r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.3
~!~ Jul 2018 ~!~
- 01'07 h03:01r, Marche (MC-PG-TR NW Pieve Torina 43.06N 13.04E) m2.5; h08:14r, Toscana/Emily (MO-PT-LU-RE W Pievepelago 44.20N 10.56E) m3.6: general emi-Concordance (δ≈-9g/(5.97m/2)≈10%)
- 02'07 h00:23r, Toscana/Emily (MO-LU-PT-MS W Pievepelago 44.18N 10.54E) m3.0; h01:02r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.39N 155.27W) m5.3 d-1.1;
h01:08r, Atlantic SW Sandwich&Bristol I. (60.69S 30.11W) m5.3: Swarm (δ≈-3g/2.3m≈4%) for Atlantic S in World-IT; h03:27r, Antarctic/Macquarie I. W (56.24S 147.57E) m5.3;
h06:26r, Russia E (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk 46.93N 145.00E) m5.6; h13:29r, Emily Coast (RA-FC-RN 44.44N 12.34E) m2.5: general Concordance (δ≈-7g/4.48m≈5%) & I Planetary Peak (δ≈-4/(4.48m-3g)≈3%) &
local Swarm (δ≈-10g/14.9m≈2%); h20:04r, Triveneto (PN-UD-TV E Claut 46.29N 12.60E) m2.4: local Concordance (δ≈-4g/7.51m≈2%) & general II Planetary Peak (δ≈-8/(4.48m+1g)≈6%);
h21:23r, Japan SSE (Shizunai 41.28N 142.70E) m5.1: on trend
- 03'07 h01:55r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.42N 155.28W) m5.1; h07:24r, Piemonte/France (TO-Chambéry-BI 45.44N 6.31E) m2.8: general NW Concordance (δ≈7g/6.08m≈4%);
h18:20r, Philippines SSW (Kapatan 5.88N 125.23E) m5.6: Planetary Peak (δ≈4/(5.99m+3g)≈2%) Mar/Ear/Moo/Ven Planetary Stress/Drag=m9.0/8.7
- 04'07 h07:27r, Lucania (PZ-AV-FG E Rapolla 40.98N 15.69E) m2.6: ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈13/(4.95m+16g)≈8%); h09:57r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.27W) m5.3;
h10:19r, Adriatic S/Albania N Coast N (Manez-BA 41.45N 19.56E) m5.1: general Concordance (δ≈0g/6.03m=0%) & local emi-Concordance (δ≈4g/(4.4m/2)≈6%) plus local Period change (4.4→5.02m);
h16:28r, Sicily W (PA-CL-ME NE Petralia Sottana 37.82N 14.12E) m2.7: local Concordance (δ≈-4g/2.98m<0.5%); h21:49r, Papua N. Guinea WNW (Rabaul 3.85S 151.63E) m5.4: crescent
- 05'07 h02:57r, Adriatic S/Montenegro (42.38N 19.26E) m3.7: general Planetary Peak (δ≈3/(6.03m-2g)≈2%); h03:00r, Burma WNW (Dawei 14.54N 96.47E) m5.1: Concordance (δ≈-6g/7.77m≈3%) but
Period now corrected (5.83←7.77m); h08:12r, Umbria (MC-PG-TR W Muccia 43.08N 13.03E) m3.2: next Marche Concordance (δ≈-22g/5.97m≈12%); h12:58r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.2;
h13:20r, Sicily W (PA- NE Petralia Soprana
37.81N 14.12E) m2.6; h23:04r, Greece N (Lechaina 38.01N 21.25E)
- 06'07 h12:11r, Russia E (Ozernovskiy 51.61N 157.85E) m6.1:
local crescent wave in
1.st Total
Concordance (P=5.92m) &
Global faults (δ≈0g/5.92m=0%)
with I
Planetary Peak
h14:22r, Umbria (MC-PG-TR SW Ussita 42.94 13.13E) m2.4; h17:43r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N
155.29W) m5.3 d0.2
Planetary Stress/Drag=m10.8/8.*
- 07'07 h03:27r, Papua N. Guinea NE (Madang 3.88S 146.87E)
m5.4; h08:07r, Sicily W (PA-CL-AG Polizzi Generosa 37.82N 13.95E)
Concordance (δ≈-1g/5.98m<1%);
h09:41r, N. Zealand NE ('Esperance Rock 30.61S 178.02W) m5.9: Swarm (δ≈-7g/12m≈2%); h13:19r, Calabria (CS-VV-ME E Buonvicino 39.69N 15.95E) m2.4;
h17:44r, Russia E/NW (Chumikan
55.61N 133.22E) m5.2; h20:46r, Japan SE (Ohara 35.09N 140.65E)
- 08'07 h02:33r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.30W)
d-0.3; h12:21r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia ENE (Tadine 21.31S
m5.5; h15:02r, Alaska SSW (Atka 51.45N 174.78W)
h16:11r, India SE (Mohean 7.22N 94.29E) m4.7;
h20:37r, Sicily Eolie (ME- 38.54N 14.68E) m2.5
- 09'07 h06:13r, Calabria NW Coast
(CS- 39.61N 15.69E) m2.7;
Vanuatu NNE (Isangel 19.04S 169.51E) m5.5;
h08:58r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption
19.40N 155.29W) m5.3 d-0.4
- 10'07 h02:40r, Indonesia SW (Biha 5.87S 103.36E) m5.2; h16:22r, Madagascar/Indian Ridge SW (32.00S 58.35E) m5.6: Concordance (δ≈16g/6.02m≈9%);
h22:46r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea SW (Panguna 7.43S 154.46E) m5.2
- 11'07 h00:45r, Philippines WSW (S. Francisco 9.76N 125.31E) m5.1; h01:03r, Sicily EN Coast (ME-RC-CT 38.37N 15.25E) m2.5: local Swarm (δ≈-3g/2m=5%);
h04:45r, Atlantic N. Ascension I. (1.51S 15.40W) m5.2: on trend; h05:24r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.29W) m5.3 d0.1;
h08:24r, Madagascar/Indian SE Ridge (31.60S 58.27E)
m5.3; h18:51r, Tonga/Fiji I. S (23.35S 179.91W) m5.5
- 12'07 h10:12r, Japan ESE (Iwo Jima 23.57N 143.73E) m5.1;
h14:20r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.28W) m5.3 d0.3; h15:36r, Tonga ESE (`Ohonua 21.50S 174.34W)
- 13'07 h00:40r, Russia W/Tajikistan WNW (Murghob 38.42N 73.45E) m5.2;
h14:26r, Greece SSE (Makry Gialos 35.03N 25.96E) m4.7; h18:27r, Burma WNW (Prome 18.97N 94.87E)
h18:46r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.28W) m5.3 d0.2; h21:03r, Vanuatu NNW (Isangel 18.93S 169.02E) m6.4: local emi-Concordance (δ≈8g/(9.87m/2)≈5%) & Global faults
0.5%)- 14'07 h03:54r, Calabria SW Coast (VV-RC-ME-CZ 38.70N 15.80E) m4.4: local Swarm (δ≈0g/2m=0%) & Concordance (δ≈-5g/4.45m≈4%) & general Concordance (δ≈-5g/4.46m≈
4%) &Sic. & Cal. new-Concordance (δ≈-4g/4.43m≈3%); h06:06r, Calabria Ionio S (RC 37.55N 16.48E) m2.7
- 15'07 h03:04r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.29W) m5.2 d1.4; h10:57r, Tonga/Wallis&Futuna SSE (Sigave 15.65S 177.79W) m5.2; h16:35r, Africa E/Yemen SSE (Sayhut 13.82N 51.65E) m6.0:
hard Swarm (δ≈3g/6.47m<2%) Ear/Plu/Sun\Jup\Ven&Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m
8.0/*.*- 16'07 h02:11r, N. Zealand
NE ('Esperance R. 30.79S 177.96W) m5.2; h11:19r,
Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.28W) m5.3 d0.3;
- 17'07 h01:38r, Antarctic/Balleny I. (61.40S
154.85E) m5.8: hard
crescendo; h14:23r, Adriatic S/Albania WSW (Rrogozhine
41.03N 19.56E) m4.6:
h18:08r, Solomon SSE (Lata 11.69S 166.33E)
general I
Planetary Peak
h18:42r, Piemonte (CN-TO-IM Stroppo 44.51N 7.13E)
emi-Concordance (δ≈-14g/(5.82m/2)≈16%)
- 18'07 h01:06r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.39N 155.28W)
m5.3 d-1.1; h08:10r, Calabria (VV-RC E
Filogaso 38.68N 16.25E) m2.7; h08:23r, Alaska WSW (Chernabura I.
54.40N 160.72W) m5.6
h19:01r, Umbria (PG-AP E Pietralunga 43.44N 12.46) m2.4; h19:19r, Papua N. Guinea ENE (Angoram 3.45S 145.25E) m5.3; h21:33r, Marche (MC-PG-TR SW Pieve Torina 43.03N 13.02E) m2.6:
local Swarm (δ≈4g/1.5m≈9%); h22:16r, Lazio (RI-AP-PG W Accumoli 42.70N 13.23E) m2.4: local Swarm (δ≈4g/1m≈13%); h22:19r, Sicily E (CT-RC-ME NE Ragalna 37.72N 14.98E) m3.6:
local Concordance (δ≈-11g/6m≈6%)
- 19'07 h00:41r, America CE Colombia (3.39N 74.61W)
(δ≈5g/0.5m≈33%) in
World-IT; h01:23r,
Sicily E (CT-RC-ME N Ragalna 37.72N 14.96E) m2.9;
h02:33r, Umbria (PG-PU-AR E Pietralunga 43.45N 12.46E) m2.4: crescendo; h03:32r, Alaska WSW (Chernabura 54.48N 161.00W) m6.0: Swarm (δ≈-10g/7.5m≈4%);
h07:00r, Mexico NW (Huajuapan'Leon 17.81N 97.78W) m5.7: new Swarm (δ≈5g/7≈2%); h13:47r, Calabria/Ionio S (RC 37.09N 16.80E) m3.3: general Planetary Peak (δ≈-3/(4.46m+3g)≈2%);
h16:11r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.2 d0.9; h19:55r, Indonesia S (Krajan Tambakrejo 9.56S 112.84E) m5.4: Swarm (δ≈8g/12.7m≈2%);
h22:35r, Atlantic SSW Bristol&Sandwich
(60.55S 27.46W) m5.1
- 20'07 h04:25r, Papua
Gulf N. Guinea W (Kandrian 6.15S 148.69E) m6.0:
Concordance (δ≈2g/4.44m<2%);
h04:36r, Russia W/Poland ENE (Polkowice 51.51N 16.10E)
h06:11r, Argentina SE (Suncho Corral 28.07S 63.25W) m5.6: on trend; h12:45r, Sicily W (PA-CL-AG NW Polizzi Generosa 37.85N 13.98E) m2.5;
Alaska WSW (Chernabura I. 54.43N 160.89W) m5.4
- 21'07 h02:37r, Indonesia ESE (Muara Siberut 1.78S 99.75E)
m5.2; h08:54r, Marche (MC-PG-TR NW Pieve Torina
43.06N 13.03E) m3.3:
I general Swarm (δ≈-8g/2.5m≈11%) & Concordance (δ≈-6g/5.97m≈3%); h09:40r, Philippines N. Mariana NNE (Pagan 18.47N 146.00E) m5.6: Swarm (δ≈7g/11m≈2%);
h09:21r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.29W) m5.4 d-1.1; h10:04r, Ande/Chile ENE (Calama 22.32S 68.54W) m5.2: Concordance (δ≈8g/6.02m≈4%);
h10:30r, Lucania/Policastro Gulf (SA-PZ 39.89N 15.59E) m3.2: local I Swarm (δ≈-27g/20.6m≈4%); h14:08r, Marche (MC-PG-TR W Pieve Torina 43.05N 13.03) m2.5;
Atlantic S Bristol&Sandwich (60.50S 26.39W) m5.1
- 22'07 h03:34r, Indian Ridge SE (48.22S 99.73E)
m5.4: crescent; h06:21r, Mexico SSE (Hidalgotitlan
17.56N 94.51W) m5.1; h13:11r, Iran NE (Sarpol-e
Zahab 34.65N 46.18E) m5.9:
Concordance (δ≈7g/8.15m≈3%); h16:16r, Indonesia WSW (Banda Aceh 4.89N 92.96E) m5.1: Swarm (δ≈8g/4m≈7%) in World-Italy Concordance (δ≈16g/5.92m≈9%);
h20:32r, Hawaii (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.29W) m5.5
- 23'07 h08:37r, Vanuatu NNW (Isangel 18.93S 168.91E) m5.5: general II Planetary Peak (δ≈-12/(6.07m+2g<7%); h09:19r, Atlantic S Central Mid-Ridge (0.35S 19.23W) m5.9: local & general
h17:20r, Lazio (RI-AP-PG NW Accumoli 42.73N
13.22E) m3.0:
Planetary Peak
general Concordance (δ≈0g/2.94m=0%)
- 24'07 h06:17r, RockM.W/Oregon WSW (Gold B. 41.80N 126.86W)
m5.6: on trend; h06:19r, Hawaii WSW
(Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.6;
h07:30r, Russia ESE (Kuril'sk 45.13N 148.20E)
- 25'07 h06:31r, Sicily E (SR-CT-RG NW Augusta 37.27N 15.20E) m2.7: general Swarm (δ≈4g/3.8m<4%) & Planetary Peak (δ≈9/(5.98m+8g)≈5%); h13:03r, Japan ESE (Haebaru 25.44N 130.52E) m5.5:
emi-Concordance (δ≈1g/(6.02m/2)≈1%); h13:32r, Abruzzi W (AQ-TE-TR 42.37N 13.35) m3.0; h16:12r, Ande Off Easter I. (29.31S 112.03W) m5.2;
h17:54r, Atlantic S. Georgia&Sandwich
NNW (Visokoi 56.07S 27.65W) m5.6; h19:38r, Madagascar/Mauritius-Reunion (17.03S
66.84E) m5.0
- 26'07 h04:50r, Indonesia WNW (Saumlaki 6.95S 129.42E)
m5.1; h11:11r, Atlantic S. Georgia&Sandwich ESE (Visokoi 56.89S
26.40W) m5.4; h11:47r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N
155.27W) m5.3 d0.2;
h20:14r, Atlantic N. Mid-Ridge (26.17N 44.88W) m5.1
- 27'07
h14:49r, America CW
'Salvador SSW (Intipuca 12.63N 88.18W) m5.3: on trend;
h21:38r, N. Zealand SSE (Raoul I. 29.98S 177.44W)
- 28'07 h02:15r, Hawaii SW (Volcano Eruption 19.40N 155.27W)
m5.3 d0.3; h19:34r, RockM.W/Oregon Off Coast (44.01N 128.77W)
m5.3; h23:40r, Sicily W (TP-AG-PA S
Campobello 'Mazara 37.57N 12.72E) m2.6
- 29'07 h04:19r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea SE (Kimbe 6.19S
151.09E) m5.1; h06:33r, Indonesia SW (Lelongken 8.33S 116.49E)
m6.4: about tens deads in crescent wave;
h11:48r, Hawaii SW (Volcano
Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.3 d0.9
- 30'07 h00:17r, Calabria SW (VV-RC 38.58N 15.74E) m3.7:
Planetary Peak
h01:04r, Sicily E (CT-ME-RC W Milo 37.76N 15.00E) m2.5 d0.0;
h17:50r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea NE (Alotau 9.77S 150.83E) m5.4; h21:23r, Adriatic N C. (Ljubijana 42.51N
15.88E) m2.6:
- 31'07 h07:37r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.29W)
d0.8; h15:49r, Greece N/Galatas SSE (38.27N 21.60E)
m4.1; h16:22r, Sicily WS Tirreno (ME-RC-VV 38.52N
15.31E) m3.0;
h18:06r, Japan ENE (Iwaki 37.18N 141.17E) m5.4
~!~ Aug 2018 ~!~
- 01'08 h04:26r, Lazio (RI-PG-AP W Accumoli 42.71N 13.16E) m2.9; h09:51r, Mexico SSW (Pijijiapan 14.96N 93.61W) m5.2; h21:36r, China WSW (Jiajuedibu 30.44N 87.73E) m5.1:
local emi-Concordance (δ≈2g/(5.98m/2)≈2%)
- 02'08 h00:14r, Iberia/Libya Sea (34.82N 13.68E) m2.6; h01:06r, N. Zealand S Kermadec I. (34.87S 178.59W) m5.5; h05:51r, Papua N. Guinea SW (Lorengau 3.30S 146.10E) m5.2;
h08:22r, Greece SW (Pylos 36.88N 21.36E) m4.5: Italy-Greece post-Swarm (δ≈4g/1m≈13%); h08:22r, Hawaii WSW (Volcano Eruption 19.41N 155.28W) m5.3 d0.8:
- 03'08 h01:50r, Piemonte (CN-TO-AT NW Elva 44.56N 7.07E)
m3.0: crescendo
see local 17'7; h12:32r, Indonesia S (Tual 6.21S 132.70E) m5.4;
h17:22r, Atlantic SC. Mid-Ridge (0.90S 22.03W) m5.8:
Atlantic S in MIXother'Planetary Peak
(δ≈3/(6.07m-35g)≈2%); h20:24r, Ande/Chile NE (Iquique
19.66S 69.37W) m5.2
- 04'08 h00:23r, Iberia/Libya
Sea (34.40N 13.61E) m4.3;
h04:23r, America CW/Guatemala S (P. S. Jose 13.26N 90.79W) m5.1; h07:37r, Sicily W / Eolie
(PA-ME 38.47N 14.38E) m3.1;
h09:28r, China W/NE (Rutog 35.11N 81.12E) m5.1
- 05'08 h04:54r, Triveneto/Slovenia (Ljubijana-UD 46.48N 14.67E) m2.4; h05:24r, Adriatic S (FG-BA S Vico'Gargano 41.83N 15.95E) m2.5; h12:55r, Calabria Ionio S (RC-SR-CT-ME 37.58N 16.67E) m2.5:
Sic. & Cal. crescent wave; h13:20r, Africa CS/Tanzania NNE (Ngorongoro 2.92S 35.58E) m4.5; h19:32r, Indonesia SSE (Loloan 8.29S 116.45E) m6.9: more of 400 corpses, see also 29'7;
h22:28r, Russia SSE (Ola 57.99N 152.87E)
- 06'08 h08:13r, Indonesia SE (Santong 8.38S 116.37E) m5.3;
h13:40r, Lazio (RI-TR-PG NE Morro Reatino 42.53N 12.84E)
Planetary Stress/Drag=m8.0/*.*
- 07'08 h02:06r, Indonesia SSE (Akarakar 8.26S 116.36E) m5.4;
h11:02r, America CE/Colombia NNE (Aratoca 6.79N 73.00W) m5.4;
h14:30r, Arctic Greenland Sea (74.65N 8.45E) m5.8;
h17:13r, Marche (MC-PG-TE SE Fiordimonte 43.01N 13.12E) m2.4: double ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈7&4/(5.97m+4&7g)≈4&2%) & II general Swarm (δ≈-2g/3.1m≈2%);
h19:37r, Calabria N
Coast (CS-CZ-VV 39.08N 15.82E) m2.7:
Planetary Peak
- 08'08 h00:49r, Japan ESE (Ofunato 37.88N 144.07E) m5.5;
h08:57r, Campania (NA-SA S Casamicciola T. 40.74N 13.91E)
m2.5 d2.0: general
h17:10r, Sicily WS Canal/Tunisia
(Malta 35.89N 12.65E) m3.1; h17:17r, Philippines/N. Mariana I. ESE
(Rota 13.75N 146.39E)
h18:28r, America CW'Salvador S ('Libertad 12.33N 89.36W)
- 09'08 h13:11r, Indonesia SE (Todo 8.39S 116.21E) m5.9;
h13:17r, America CW/Guatemala SW (P. S. Jose 13.57N 91.18W)
Concordance (δ≈-6g/6.17m≈3%)
Planetary Peak
h08:02UTC China E/Taiwan
SSW (Hengchun 20.91N 120.07E) m5.2; h17:04r,
Africa CS Atlantic Ocean (33.39S 2.50E)
Concordance (δ≈13g/6m≈7%)
- 10'08 h06:18r, Atlantic S. Mid-Ridge (12.77S 14.66W)
m5.2; h12:52r, Sicily WS Tirreno (PA-ME 38.43N
14.17E) m3.3
- 11'08 h02:20r, Tonga/Fiji WNW (Lambasa 16.12S 178.06E) m5.1; h04:23r, Triveneto (UD-PN-TS S Cavazzo Carnico 46.33N 13.03E) m3.6: local Swarm (δ≈-17g/7.75m≈7%);
h04:31r, Russia E/SSW (Severo-Kuril'sk 48.42N 154.85E) m5.9; h05:11r, Antarctic/Balleny I. (62.63S 165.66E) m5.6: crescent wave; h05:46r, Arctic Svalbard&Mayen ENE (Olonkinbyen 71.79N 2.24W) m5.3;
h07:23r, Adriatic N/Slovenia (TS-Ljubijana 45.88N 14.66E) m2.9; h16:59r, Adriatic S/Albania E (Burrel 41.54N 20.05E) m5.2: local crescendo & Period little change (5.02→5.03m) ...☻...
- 12'08 h01:58r, Atlantic S Mid-Ridge (12.93S 14.65W) m5.3; h05:18r, Arctic/Alaska SW (Kaktovik 69.62N 145.25W) m6.4: Planetary Peak (δ≈0/(9.77m-5g)=0%) & Concordance (δ≈-5g/9.77m<2%) &
Period change (9.77→6.44m); h12:52r, Argentina SW (Easter I. 35.69S 102.37W) m5.6: Concordance (δ≈7g/9m<3%) compatible with half of Period (7→4.5m) & Planetary Peak (δ≈2/(9m+5g)≈0.7%);
h22:31r, Umbria (AR-PG-PU W Sansepolcro 43.57N 12.10E) m2.8
- 13'08 h01:55r, Indonesia N (Tobelo 2.72N 128.06E) m5.4; h04:20r, Vanuatu SSE (Isangel 20.30S 169.71E) m5.2: crescendo; h11:37r, Greece S Ionio (36.81N 19.40E) m3.0:
Concordance (δ≈-7g/5.99m<4%); h16:34r, Africa Eritrea NE (Massawa
15.90N 39.83E) m4.8:
(δ≈14g/2,5m<19%); h22:19r, India NNE
(Bamboo Flat 14.08N 93.23E) m4.9
- 14'08 h00:39r, Japan N (Hirara 25.82N 125.23E) m5.1;
h00:55r, Ande/Chile NE (Iquique 19.60S 69.28W) m5.1;
h01:48r, Atlantic S. Sandwich NE (58.11S 25.26W)
m6.1: next
America CE
in World-IT; h02:42r, China ESE (Xiongguan 24.21N 102.87E) m4.9; h03:00r, Iceland Reykjanes Ridge (58.33N 31.95W) m4.9: see 14'9; h10:08r, Antarctic S. Africa (52.71S 27.81E) m5.0;
h18:19r, America CW/Panama S (4.91N 82.54W) m5.1; h22:48r, Adriatic S Montecilfone (CB-CH-FG 41.85N 14.84E) m4.6 Sat|Ven\Sun Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.5/*.*
- 15'08 h10:04r, Alaska S (Tanaga Volcan 51.44N 178.05W) m6.6: Swarm (δ≈2g/10m<1%) & new Planetary Peak (δ≈1/(5.94m-80g)≈1%) in emi-Concordance (δ≈10g/(5.94m/2)≈11%);
h16:52r, America CW/Nicaragua SW (Corinto 11.40N 87.92W) m5.2
- 16'08 h10:25r, Triveneto/Austria-Svizzera (SO-TN-Vaduz 46.82N 10.08E) m2.7; h14:22r, India SSW (Mohean 6.76N 92.61E) m4.9; h14:37r, Sicily W (EN-CL-AG NW Pietraperzia 37.45N 14.10E) m2.6;
h16:42r, Alaska S (Tanaga Vol.
51.34N 178.18W) m5.2; h19:18r, Adriatic S (CB-FG-CH SE
Montecilfone 41.88N 14.88E) m5.1:
ex-Planetary Peak
- 17'08 h03:56r, Japan SE
(Iwo Jima 23.44N 143.34E) m6.4: crescendo;
h12:32r, Sicily W (PA-CT-AG E Scillato 37.85N 13.94E) m2.7;
h13:01r, Papua N. Guinea SSW (Taron 5.78S 152.67E)
h17:49r, America CW/Costa Rica N (Golfito 8.77N 83.15W) m6.1: MIXED Planetary Peak (δ≈0/(5.77m-13g)=0%);
h23:34r, Indonesia NNW (Kampungbajo 7.41S 119.82E)
h23:48r, Adriatic SE Montecilfone (CB-FG-CH 41.86N
14.87E) m3.3: crescent wave
- 18'08 h00:51r, Calabria/Tirreno S (CS-CZ-VV 39.06N
15.58E) m2.7; h04:24r, Adriatic SE Montecilfone (CB-FG-CH
41.87N 14.88E) m2.9;
h06:45r, Vanuatu N (Isangel 18.82S 169.17E)
h07:40r, Japan SE (Iwo Jima 23.48N 143.35E)
m5.5; h12:27r, Tonga/Fiji NNE (Ndoi I.
18.18S 178.11W) m8.2:
change of Period
in MIXother
from this phase
& general (4.49←6.07m)
general Concordance (δ≈16g/6.07m≈9%) & local (5.98←6.06m) with local Swarm (δ≈20g/12<6%) plus Period change* Mag. Average & 1.st total (5.92→6.04m);
h13:10r, Emily (PR-MS-BG SE Borgo Val'Taro 44.46N 9.82E) m2.4; h14:29r, America CE/Colombia N (Acandi 8.83N 77.29W) m5.6; h15:20r, Umbria (PG-AN-PU SW Costacciaro 43.33N 12.68E) m3.4:
local (δ≈-9g/4.37m≈7%)
more general (δ≈-6g/7.51m<4%)
h20:05r, N. Zealand S (Raoul I. 30.24S 177.99W) m5.4
- 19'08 h02:04r, Adriatic S Gargano Coast (FG-BA-CH 42.06N
15.55E) m2.9; h07:22r, Sicily WS Tirreno (PA-Ustica
39.29N 13.37E) m4.6:
& general
Period change (5.98→7.00m); h8:07r, Papua N. Guinea SE (Taron 4.87S 153.53E) m5.1; h17:47r, Iran/Turkey WNW (Haruniye 37.28N 36.36E) m5.1; h20:45r, Tonga/Fiji NNE (Ndoi 18.25S 178.17W) m5.5;
h22:42r, Indonesia S (Belanting 8.32S 116.63E) m6.9: nearly other 10 corpses, Swarm (δ≈-9g/5m=6%) in World-Italy
- 20'08 h09:17r, Indonesia NNE (Sambelia
8.32S 116.70E) m5.2; h21:02r, Tonga/Fiji N
18.00S 178.33W) m5.1;
h23:17r, Adriatic SE Montecilfone (CB-FG-CH 41.87 14.87E) m3.2
- 21'08 h01:16r, Emily
(RE-MN-PR N Bagnolo'Piano 44.79N 10.67E) m3.7:
emi-Concordance (δ≈6g/(5.87m/2)<7%);
h08:56r, Indonesia NNE (Mapinkebak 8.54S 116.95E) m5.1;
h13:02r, Sicily ES Tirreno (ME-Lipari 38.86N 14.60E) m3.2; h13:39r, Sicily E Bronte (CT-ME-RC 37.77N 14.91E) m2.5; h16:37r, Adriatic SE Montecilfone (CB-FG-CH 41.86N 14.86E) m2.9;
h17:20r, America CE/Venezuela
NNW (Yaguaraparo 10.74N 62.91W) m7.3:
- 22'08 h01:01r, RockM.W/Oregon WNW (Bandon 43.65N 127.60W)
Swarm (δ≈-6g/5.5m<4%)
emi-Concordance (δ≈5g/(5.98m/2)<6%)
& few Period change (5.98→6.02);
h09:16r, America CE/Venezuela W (Yaguaraparo 10.58N 62.92W) m5.8; h09:44r, Vanuatu E (Lakatoro 16.02S 168.15E) m6.5: local Swarm (δ≈9g/9m≈3%); h11:28r, Mexico WNW (Ometepec 16.72N 98.51W) m5.3;
h11:34r, Greece N/Patrai ENE (38.26N 21.76E) m4.3: Planetary Peak (δ≈-1/(6.02m-2g)<1%) & Italy-Greece Swarm (δ≈4g/1.4m<10%); h18:08r, Liguria/France S Coast (IM-CN-Monaco 43.57N 6.65E) m2.7:
local new-Concordance (δ≈-0g/3.5m=0%); h15:22r, Adriatic S Gargano (FG 42.05N 15.55E) m3.1; h15:43r, Alaska SSE (Tanaga Vol. 51.51N 177.88W) m6.3; h15:48r, Tonga/Fiji N (Ndoi 18.16S 178.21W) m5.5;
h22:17r, Africa CS (52.75S 27.92E)
- 23'08 h00:37r, Piemonte/Svizzera (AO-BI-Genève 46.14N 7.12E)
h04:25r, Philippines SSE (Sarangani 3.66N 126.56E)
m5.1; h05:13r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea SSE (Panguna
7.00S 155.77E) m5.8;
h07:07r, Papua N. Guinea S (Kokopo
5.43S 152.06E) m5.1;
h09:05r, Antarctic/Balleny I. (61.22S 154.01E)
m5.6; h10:38r, Indonesia SSW (Biha 6.33S 103.59E)
h12:05r, Adriatic S Montecilfone (CB-FG-BN
41.85N 14.86E) m2.5
- 24'08 h04:20r, Ande/Peru WNW (Iberia 11.04S 70.82W) m7.1: I General Concordance (δ≈-12g/3.03m≈13%) see 28'8; h07:04r, Umbria SE Pietralunga (PG-PU-AR 43.40N 12.46E) m2.8: more
general Swarm (δ≈1g/3.1m≈1%); h11:25r, Adriatic SW Guglionesi (CB-FG-CH 41.87N 14.89E) m2.7; h12:58r, Philippines NE (Sulangan 11.16N 126.04E) m5.4; h16:55r, India SW (P. Blair 10.57N 91.72E) m5.5:
Planetary Peak (δ≈2/(6.13m+6g)≈0.5%) & Concordance (δ≈8g/6.13m≈4%); h17:36r, Marche (MC-PG-TR W Pieve Torina 43.04N 13.01E) m2.5; h18:13r, Sicily EN Ragalna (CT-RC-ME 37.72N 14.94E) m2.7 d1.0;
h23:46r, Japan NE (Hachinohe
41.12N 142.64E) m5.2
Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.4/7.2
- 25'08 h02:17r, Papua N. Guinea NNE (Lae 5.91S 147.16E)
m5.3: Period change
(5.99←10.48m) shift
from 7'4; h05:25r, Alaska SSE (Amukta
I. 52.29N 171.19W) m6.0;
h16:45r, Adriatic SE Montecilfone (CB-FG-CH41.87N 14.87E) m3.3: local Swarm (18g/7m <9 %); h18:45r, Sicily E/SE Falcone (ME-RC-CT 38.10N 15.10E) m2.7;
h19:50r, Tonga ENE (`Ohonua 20.88S 173.86W)
- 26'08 h01:17r, Iran
WSW (Javanrud 34.66N 46.28E) m6.0: on wave trend
& full moon;
h02:20r, Indonesia N (Labuhanmapin 8.42S 116.93E)
m5.5; h15:51r, Papua N. Guinea
S (Kokopo 5.03S 152.16E) m5.1;
h15:55r, Russia ES (Kuril'sk 44.20N 149.60E) m5.1; h19:37r, Sicily WS Tirreno (PA-ME-TP 38.75N 13.89E) m2.6; h21:36r, Sicily ES Bronte (CT-ME-EN 37.77N 14.86E) m2.6;
h21:43r, Campania SW Caposele (AV-SA
40.80N 15.21E) m2.4:
- 27'08 h03:29r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia W (Hunter 22.20S
170.18E) m5.4;
h013:53r, Russia E/Palana WSW (58.73N
158.70E) m5.4;
h16:16r, Antarctic/Atlantic S. Shetland I. (61.76S
h20:47r, Calabria SW Coast (VV-CZ-RC 38.79N 15.70E) m2.8; h23:39r, Ande/Chile NNW (La Serena 29.68S 71.37W) m5.2
- 28'08 h08:34r, Lucania E (MT-TA-BA-PZ 40.68 16.68E) m2.0: soft emi-Concordance (δ≈10g/(4.95m/2)≈13%); h13:37r, Marche (MC-PG-TR NW Pieve Torina 43.05N 13.04E) m2.5: I local Swarm (δ≈0g/1.5m=0%);
h15:24r, Indonesia SE (Kupang 10.86S 124.17E) m6.2:
& II
see 24'8
- 29'08 h00:12r, Sicily E/N Coast (ME-RC-Lipari 38.36 15.21) m2.7;
h01:57r, Indonesia S (Bambanglipuro 8.97S 110.22E) m5.5;
h08:22r, Philippines/N. Mariana ENE (Anatahan 16.76N 146.87E)
Other Concordance (δ≈-9g/10.45m<3%) & Planetary Peak (idem); h13:17r, Tonga/Fiji W (Lambasa 16.39S 178.03E) m5.7: Swarm (δ≈1g/0.5m<7%) in World-IT;
h15:12r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia W (I. Hunter 22.07S 170.05E) m7.1: MIX-Concordance in ex-Period (δ≈-5g/5.90m<4%) next Tonga (see 18'8) also Vanuatu Period change (9.87→10.43m);
h16:01r, America CW/Costa Rica NE (Golfito 8.69N 83.11W) m5.4: MIX-localized ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈-4/(5.9m+3g)≈2%) Jup\Sun\Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.2/*.*
- 30'08 h04:39r, Adriatic N/Bosnia and Herz. (Split-Zadar-AN 44.04N 16.57E) m4.8: crescendo & Period change (6.11→5.94m); h04:39r, Papua N. Guinea W (Madang 5.20S 145.49E) m5.2;
h10:49r, Calabria/Ionio (CS-KR-TA 39.76N 16.74E) m2.6; h11:28r, Abruzzi (AQ-RM-RI N Rocca'Botte 42.03N 13.07E) m3.1: general emi-Concordance (δ≈-6g/(2.94m/2)<14%);
h13:03r, Lombardia/Svizzera (Vaduz-SO-LE-VA-CO 46.90N 8.90E)
- 31'08 h00:34r, Indonesia WNW (Abepura 1.33S 138.45E) m5.2;
h03:45r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia W (I. Hunter 22.22S 170.23E)
m5.5; h08:38r, Greece N/WSW of Morfovounion (39.33N
21.67E) m5.1:
Concordance (δ≈6g/6.02m≈3%); h08:43r, Ande/Chile NNE (S. Felipe 32.22S 70.44W) m5.1; h13:54r, Adriatic N Marche Coast (PU-RN 43.98N 12.89E) m3.5; h22:43r, Philippines NNW (Balatero 13.56N 120.90E) m5.5
~!~ Sep 2018 ~!~
- 01'09 h04:39r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia W (I. Hunter 22.21S
170.02E) m5.2; h11:12r, Madagascar/Indian Mid-Ridge
(29.01S 74.57E) m5.5: on trend; h17:21r,
Abruzzi NE Rocca'Botte (AQ-RM-RI 42.03N 13.08E)
- 02'09 h01:02r, Japan WNW (Chichi-shima 27.92N 139.94E)
h08:01r, Indonesia NNE (Anyar 8.14S 116.45E) m5.3
- 03'09 h00:17r, Calabria S Tirreno (CS-CZ-VV 39.19N 15.65E) m2.7; h09:16r, Antille/Jamaica W (Negril 18.04N 79.66W) m4.7; h10:49r, Philippines/N. Mariana I. ESE (Pagan 17.53N 147.54E) m5.3;
h17:16r, Papua N. Guinea SSW (Kavieng 3.84S 150.20E) m5.5: ex-Concordance (δ≈5g/10.48m<2%); h17:56r, America CW Ecuador Off Coast (1.45N 85.23W) m5.9: ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈3/(6.17m+16g≈1%);
h18:08r, Liguria W Coast (IM-SV 43.55N 7.51E) m2.1: local ex-Concordance (δ≈-18g/4.5m≈13%) & ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈-10/(4.5m-8g)<8%); h18:54r, Atlantic S. Bristol&Sandwich I. NNE (58.02S 25.30W) m5.7:
general & local emi-Concordance (δ≈-5g/(6.25m/2)≈5%)
- 04'09 h05:30r, Iberia/Portugal NW (Peniche 40.17N 10.52W) m4.8: emi-Concordance (δ≈7g/(9.03m/2)≈5%); h17:19r, Lazio (RI-AP-PG-AQ W Accumoli 42.68N 13.20E) m2.5;
h22:56r, Atlantic S. Sandwich I.
(58.33S 24.92W) m5.4; h23:26r, Campania
(BN-CB-CE NW Pontelandolfo 41.30N 14.67E) m2.8:
- 05'09 h01:52r, Atlantic S. Sandwich I.
(58.35S 25.25W) m5.4:
& local
(δ≈-7g/4m<6%); h02:49r, Russia W Ural
Mount. (54.79N 57.97E) m5.4:
crescent wave;
h04:21r, Madagascar/Indian Mid-Ridge (28.89S 74.50E) m5.3; h05:37r, Japan near Honshu Coast (36.45N 141.54E) m5.4; h17:19r, Tonga/Fiji SE (Lambasa 17.98S 178.53W) m5.5;
h18:44, Calabria N. Ionio (KR-LE 39.37N 18.39E) m2.7; h21:10r, Atlantic N/Portugal SSE (S. Cruz'Flores 37.11N 32.36W) m4.7: local Swarm (δ≈7g/8m<3%) & emi-Concordance (δ≈-9g/(5.97m/2)≈10%)
- 06'09 h03:53r, Japan E (E Tomakomai 42.67N 141.93E) m6.6: at least 37 corpses, I Planetary Peak (δ≈-1/(6.02m-55g)<1%); h06:41r, Indonesia SSE (Sinabang 0.84N 96.91E) m5.4;
h20:37r, America CE/Panama SE (Yaviza 8.05N 77.60W) m5.6; h20:56r, America CE/Ecuador SSW (Alausi 2.35S 78.90W) m6.2; h21:59r, Ande/Chile ESE (Vallenar 28.89S 69.95W) m5.8
- 07'09 h03:46r, Tonga/Fiji ESE (Suva 18.49S 179.33E) m7.8: new MIX-localized ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈5/(5.9m+3g)<3%); h06:39r, Adriatic N (FM-MC-AP S. Vittoria'Matenano 43.02 13.50E) m2.6: crescent;
h10:21r, Iran SE (Bam 28.34N 59.32E) m5.5; h11:07r, Lazio (RI-TR-VT NE Configni 42.43 12.65E) m2.5: local emi-Concordance (δ≈-15g/(9.03m/2)<14%) & Swarm (δ≈-5g/1m<17%);
h12:48r, Adriatic S/NE Cagnano Varano (FG-BA-PZ 41.86 15.79E) m2.6; h22:53r, Papua N. Guinea SSW (Lorengau 3.27S 146.57E) m5.4: Swarm (δ≈-5g/3.5m<5%) in World-Italy
Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.2/7.2 Sat/Sun/Mer&Ear\Nep
- 08'09 h05:03r, Indonesia N (Manado 2.72N 124.96E) m5.4: Swarm (δ≈0g/11.6m=0%) in Mag. Average; h09:12r, Ande/Peru NW (Talara 4.39S 81.54W) m5.2; h09:18r, China E/WSW Lianzhu (23.33N 101.55E) m5.6:
Swarm (δ≈11g/2m≈18 %) local & general with Concordances (δ≈3&-11g/7.01&7.49m≈1&5%); h10:44r, Tonga S. (24.47S 175.56W) m5.5; h11:40r, Marche (MC-PG-TR SW Visso 42.91N 13.07E) m2.5: I general
Planetary Peak (δ≈-1/(5.97m-28g)<1%); h15:42r, Philippines WNW (Manay 7.24N 126.46E) m6.1: emi-Concordance (δ≈-7g/(5.99m/2)<8%); h21:23r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia W (I. Hunter 22.22S 170.15E) m5.7
- 09'09 h03:21r, Campania (BN-CB-CE NW Pontelandolfo 41.31N 14.67E) m3.0: II general Swarm (δ≈-3g/0.5m≈20%) see 30'8; h12:05r, Tonga/Fiji S. (25.02S 179.94E) m5.5:
World-IT; h16:21r, N. Zealand SW
('Esperance R. 31.84S 179.33W) m6.9:
next Tonga Swarms Period change (6.05←9.10m)
- 10'09 h00:10r,
Adriatic N Croatia S (42.66N 17.10E) m3.1:
h03:36r, Ande/Chile WSW (Vallenar 28.75S 71.81W) m5.1;
h06:00r, Toscana (GR-SI-LI W Monterotondo Mar. 43.15N 10.84E) m2.6: II general Planetary Peak (δ≈3/(5.97m-28g)≈2%); h06:18r, Solomon I. NW (Kirakira 10.01S 161.53E) m6.5:
I Planetary Peak (δ≈9/(6.07m-61g)≈7%); h08:32r, Tonga/Fiji (17.91S 178.00W) m5.1; h11:36r, Indonesia NNE (Obelobel 8.20S 116.58E) m5.1; h20:22r, Philippines ESE (Sulangan 10.81N 126.31E) m5.2
- 11'09 h04:08r, Indonesia NNW (Obelobel 8.18S 116.51E) m5.1; h05:27r, Antarctic/Pacific R. (54.21S 146.70W) m5.3: Concordance (δ≈-18g/7.98m<8%) & I Planetary Peak (δ≈-24/(7.98m+5g)<10%);
h06:52r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia WNW (I. Hunter 22.03S 170.13E) m6.3: general Swarm (δ≈-16g/7m<8%); h22:49r, Marche (MC-AP-FM-PG E Ussita 42.95N 13.18E) m3.6:
more general Swarm (δ≈-1g/2.75m≈1%)
- 12'09 h00:42r, America CW/Nicaragua SW (La Paz C. 12.17N 86.82W) m5.3; h08:26r, Iran/Turkey SE (Tekirova 36.13N 31.11E) m5.2: on trend; h10:51r, India NE (Sapatgram 26.37N 90.17E) m5.3:
ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈0/(6.13m+27g)=0%) & generic Concordance (δ≈-13g/6.13m≈7%); h14:17r, Indonesia W (Kuripan 5.21S 102.41E) m5.1; h18:09r, China ENE (Shazhou 32.75N 105.68E) m5.2:
I Planetary Peak (δ≈-11/(7.49m+7g)<5%) general; h18:58r, Triveneto/Austria (BZ-TN-Innsbruck 47.31N 11.14E) m2.7
- 13'09 h01:48r, Indian Ridge SW (39.88S 44.42E) m5.2; h03:25r, Antarctic/Pacific Rise SE (55.89S 123.25W) m5.2: II Planetary Peak (δ≈-24/(7.98m+7g)<10%);
h05:36r, N. Zealand S. Kermadec I. (34.87S 179.37W) m5.3: new Concordance (δ≈-6g/6.05m≈3%); h08:39r, Papua N. Guinea NW (Rabaul 3.78S 151.66E) m5.4;
h09:26r, Lombardia/Svizzera (SO-LC-BG-Grigioni 46.57N 9.82) m2.5 Ven/Ear/Ura Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.9/7.2
- 14'09 h06:34r, Ande/Peru SSW (Pucara 16.05S 71.50W) m5.4; h09:29r, Iceland (Bárðarbunga Vol. 64.63N 17.52W) m4.2: emi-Concordance (δ≈-13g/(9.04m/2)<10%) & Swarm (δ≈-13g/3.5m≈12%);
h14:07r, Indonesia/India SE (Mohean 7.10N 94.23E) m5.1
- 15'09 h01:05r, Indonesia W (Abepura 2.71S 138.78E) m5.8: I Planetary Peak (δ≈-2/(7.88m+0g)<1%); h04:05r, Antarctic/Pacific Ridge (55.06S 129.04W) m5.0; h08:48r, Japan E (Nago 26.74N 129.65E) m5.6:
II Planetary Peak (δ≈9/(6.02m-56g)≈5%); h12:06r, Vanuatu/N. Caledonia SW (Hunter 23.06S 171.29E) m5.1; h17:39r, Russia W/Poland N (Grebocice 51.63N 16.17E) m4.6;
h20:29r, Philippines
N. Mariana I. E (Pagan 18.13N 147.26E) m5.2
- 16'09 h01:03r, Japan E (Nago 26.56N
129.52E) m5.5;
h01:19r, Tonga/Fiji
NNE (Ndoi 18.08S 177.96W) m5.3:
h02:04r, Russia E/Severo-Kuril'sk S (49.86N 156.18E) m5.4: local Concordance (δ≈8g/7.55m<4%); h12:43r, Australia SSW (Kojonup 34.32S 116.90E) m5.3: Swarm (δ≈8g/11.6m≈2%) next
Pacific ex-Mag. Average; h18:26r, Antille/Puerto Rico NNE (Vieques 19.66N 65.29W) m3.4 Mer/Ear/Nep Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.4/6.4
- 17'09 h02:10r, Greece SE (Makry Gialos 34.48N 26.51E) m5.0; h06:43r, Emily (MO-RE-PR N Montefiorino 44.39N 10.62E) m2.4; h09:04r, Tonga/Fiji I. S (25.45S 178.22E) m6.5:
I local Planetary Peak (δ≈-10/(5.98m-1g)<6%); h10:10r, Japan E (Nago 26.73N 129.64E) m5.1; h11:33r, Vanuatu ENE (Luganville 15.38S 167.47E) m5.3; h21:26r, Sicily E/N Coast (ME-RC-CT 38.26N 15.21E) m2.8:
Swarm (δ≈5g/5.5&4.5m≈3<4%)
Sic. & Cal.
emi-Concordance (δ≈-1g/(4.43m/2)<2%); h21:33r,
N. Zealand S (Raoul 30.07S 177.72W) m5.2:
ex-Planetary Peak
- 18'09 h00:46r, Tonga/Fiji ENE (Ndoi I. 20.52S 178.22W)
m5.5; h03:04r, Arctic/Alaska SSW (Kaktovik
69.51N 144.16W) m5.1:
h06:42r, Greece SSW (Tympakion 34.64N 24.50E)
h10:47r, Madagascar/Indian R. SW (37.80S 49.77E) m5.8: next emi-Concordance see 1'10; h11:54r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea NW (Finschhafen 6.35S 147.68E) m5.1;
h17:48r, Indonesia/E Timor N (Dili 7.44S 125.78E) m5.2; h20:22r, Adriatic S/Albania N Coast (Tirana-BR 41.48N 19.48E) m3.0: general emi-Concordance (δ≈-14g/(6.03m/2)<13%) & local
Concordance (δ≈-5g/5.03m≈3%) with Planetary Peak (δ≈2/(5.03m-7g)≈1%); h22:26r, Solomon I. ESE (Gizo 8.32S 157.21E) m5.8: crescent wave; h22:33r, Campania (NA-CE-AV E Pozzuoli 40.83N 14.15E) m2.5:
& I
Concordance (δ≈-18g/4.56m≈13%)
- 19'09 h01:48r, Japan ENE (Ishinomaki 38.48N 141.56E)
m5.1; h10:42r, Emily (FC-RA-FI N Modigliana
44.18N 11.78E) m2.5:
h12:23r, Africa E/Carlsberg R. (10.48N 57.02E) m5.4: crescent wave
- 20'09 h03:06r, Mexico SW (Mapastepec 14.70N 93.72W) m5.4: Concordance (δ≈-3g/5.52m<2%); h13:00r, Atlantic S. Mid-R. (34.76S 16.08W) m5.1; h15:41r, Tonga/Fiji E (Suva 1798S 180.00W) m5.9:
general Swarm (δ≈-7g/7m≈3%); h14:39r, Philippines N. Mariana I. N (Anatahan 17.02N 145.79E) m5.4: crescendo; h16:21r, Solomon I. SW (Dadali 9.00S 158.31E) m5.5;
h17:15r, Papua Gulf N. Guinea S (Taron 6.50S 152.66E) m5.4: emi-Concordance (δ≈-4g/(4.44m/2)≈6%); h23:14r, Sicily WS Coast (TP 37.24N 12.67E) m2.3
- 21'09 h06:27r, America CW/Ecuador (Galapagos I. 2.42N 95.48W) m5.7; h08:45r, Sicily Eolie (ME-RC- Lipari 38.49N 15.18E) m2.6
- 22'09 h02:11r, Antille/P. Rico NNE (S. Juan 19.29N 65.92W) m3.1; h08:29r, Ande/Chile SW (Taltal 25.90S 71.03W) m5.4; h07:00r, Tonga E (`Ohonua 21.30S 173.92W) m5.1;
h19:36r, Japan E (Nago 26.70N 129.68E) m5.3: pre-Concordance (δ≈-30g/6.02m<17%)
- 23'09 h00:51r, Ande/Chile SSE (Antofagasta 24.34S 70.04W) m5.4; h01:00r, Antille/Dominican NW (V. Elisa 19.71N 71.29W) m5.2; h02:54r, Marche (MC-PG-AP-RI S'Angelo'Nera 42.84N 13.15E) m2.8;
h03:18r, Tonga S. (24.18S 175.47W) m5.1; h03:29r, Calabria S Tirreno (VV-ME-RC 38.57N 15.52E) m2.9: general & local emi-Concordance (δ≈5g/(4.46&4.45m/2)≈7%);
h11:35r, Indonesia WSW (K. Ternate 0.49N 126.34E) m5.2: II Planetary Peak (δ≈2/(7.88m+4g)<1%); h13:42r, Australia W IndiAn R. (49.26S 120.54E) m5.1;
h15:36r, Philippines/Guam SE (Inarajan V. 12.22N 146.24E) m5.9: new Swarm (δ≈-4g/0.5m<27%) in World-IT; h19:54r, Russia W/Tajikistan ENE (Roshtqal'a 37.42N 72.26E) m4.6
- 24'09 h10:12r, Calabria (CZ-VV-KR-CS NE Squillace 38.79N 16.53E) m2.4; h15:30r, Atlantic Sandwich SSE (Bristol 60.61S 25.59W) m5.4;
h18:32r, Umbria (PG-TR-RI-AQ W Monteleone'Spoleto 42.65N 12.88E) m2.5: I local Swarm (δ≈2g/17.4m<0.4%) exactly on waveform ...☺... Nep\Mar|Ven\Sun\Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m 6.4/6.4
- 25'09 h03:44r, Lazio (RI-AQ-TR SE C. S'Angelo 42.36N 13.06E) m2.3: II Swarm (δ≈-2g/0.5m≈13%) see 7'9; h11:13r, Umbria (PG-MC-AP-RI NE Norcia 42.82N 13.12E) m2.5:
exactly on waveform; h12:45r, Tonga/Fiji NNE (Ndoi I. 18.07S 178.04W) m5.7: II local Planetary Peak (δ≈-6/(5.98m+3g)≈3%); h13:41r, Madagascar/Mauritius ENE (P. Mathurin 18.67S 65.16E) m4.8;
h14:22r, Calabria Ionio N (CZ-KR-RC 38.26N 17.21E) m3.5: general Swarm (δ≈-19g/19.1m≈3%); h19:14r, Russia E/SSW (Severo-Kuril'sk 48.15N 155.01E) m5.1
- 26'09 h04:37r, Greece SE (Crete 35.07N 26.46E) m5.0: Italy&Greece I Swarm (δ≈-1g/1m≈3%) &
I Planetary Peak (δ≈1/(6.02m+0g)<1%); h23:50r, Sicily Eolie (ME-RC-Lipari 38.60N 15.16E) m3.4:Sicily & Calabria I ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈3g/(6.65m+0g)<2%)
- 27'09 h09:47r, Atlantic SE Sandwich I. (58.19S 9.58W) m5.7: crescendo; h10:33r, Tonga/Fiji N (Ndoi 18.17S 178.24W) m5.5; h11:47r, Greece SW Peloponneso Coast (36.80N 21.40E) m5.1:
Italy&Greece Concordance (δ≈2g/6.02m≈0.1%) & II Swarm (δ≈-2g/1.4<5%); h14:13r, Indonesia N (Saumlaki 6.90S 131.14E) m5.1;
h23:15r, Calabria S Tirreno
(CS-CZ-VV 39.00N 15.60E) m2.7; h23:41r, Hawaii SSE
(Kapaau 20.14N 155.79W) m4.0:
for Hawaii
Magnitudine Average
- 28'09
h02:13r, Papua N. Guinea WNW (Panguna 5.92S 154.75E)
Planetary Peak
& see 13'9;
h02:35r, China W/NE (Rutog 34.20N 80.71E) m5.1:
II Planetary Peak (δ≈2/(7.49m+7g)<1%) general & Swarm (δ≈-6g/2.8m≈7%); h03:55r, Umbria (PG-TR-VT SE C. Ritaldi 42.79N 12.70E) m2.4; h06:27r, Calabria SW Coast (RC-ME-VV 38.38N 15.73E) m4.0:
Sicily & Calabria ex-Concordance (δ≈5g/6.65m<3%) & II ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈-8g/(6.65m+13g)<4%); h07:16r, Sicily E (CT-ME-RC NW Milo 37.74N 15.10E) m2.9;
h08:31r, Antille/Martinique ENE (S. Marie 15.09N 60.45W) m5.4: emi-Concordance (δ≈5g/(7.48m/2)≈4%); h11:37r, Madagascar/Indian Ocean 3-Junction (26.48S 67.62E) m5.6;
h18:02r, Indonesia N (Palu 0.18S 119.84E) m7.5: Concordance (δ≈11g/7.88m<5%) 1800 and more corpses for tsunami, see also 28'8
- 29'09 h13:07r, Sicily E (CT-ME-RC W Linguaglossa 37.82N 15.07E) m2.9; h15:40r, Indonesia W (Kasikungu 1.50S 120.18E) m5.1; h22:59r, Tonga/Fiji NNE (Ndoi I. 18.37S 178.10W) m6.6:
general Swarm (δ≈2g/7m<1%) & local Concordance (δ≈1g/5.98m<1%) & Magnitude Average emi-Concordance (δ≈-4g/(5.92m/2)≈4%) also for 1.st Total (δ≈-4g/(5.92m/2)≈4%)
Ear\Sun\Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.4/7.2
- 30'09 h05:47r, Vanuatu ENE (Norsup 15.69S 168.11E) m5.1; h07:20r, Sicily W (EN-CT-RG E Assoro 37.63N 14.46E) m3.3: local Concordance (δ≈-2g/2.98m≈2%);
h15:12r, Greece S (Crete 34.99N 26.19E) m4.9; h18:24r, Sicily E (CT-ME-RC W Linguaglossa 37.82N 15.07E) m3.5
~!~ Oct 2018 ~!~
- 01'10 h02:21r, Sicily E Coast (SR-CT-RG 37.16N 15.41E) m2.7; h10:08r, Ande/Chile W (P. Chacabuco 45.76S 75.84W) m5.2; h13:42r, Indonesia NNW (Palu 0.01S 119.62E) m5.1;
h15:27r, Mexico W (Cintalapa'Figueroa 16.76N 93.96W) m5.4: ex-Planetary Peak (δ≈-2/(5.52m+10g)≈1%); h19:19r, Adriatic S/Gargano Coast (FG-BA-CH 42.06 15.64E) m2.5;
h19:33r, India NNW (Bamboo Flat 12.90N 92.24E) m5.1; h22:47r, Madagascar/Indian Ocean 3-Junction (26.56S 67.55E) m5.7: emi-Concordance (δ≈-7g/(6.02m/2)<8%) see also 18'9
~!~ :..SEE..: ~!~
=::= * This phase http://users.libero.it/jmbalzan/... * =:
Emi -Concordances for a half Period
~!~ Rest
of the seventh day ~!~
Closed | Opened |
(n+½)λ/2 = |
⌠ | γ |
- ½~Prev |
Opened | Closed |
(2n+1)λ/4 |
χ | ∫ |
= 1~Prev |
Opened | Closed |
nλ/2 = 2nλ/4 |
~ ~!~ Riposo del settimo giorno ~!~
Ricorrenze di semi- Periodo circa la metà ≈ 3 / Settimana. Concordanze periodiche proprie o planetarie e Sciami ricorrenti ≈ 6 alla Settimana.
Recurrences of half- Period are about the half ≈ 3 a Week. Planetary and internal periodic agreements plus swarm recursions ≈ 6 a Week.
Expected Peaks as Periodic Prevision/Planetary tendency ≈Lat.° m. (last magnitude) {Tendency} → Planetary MAX: 29'8/3'9Papua N. Guinea/Lae≈-5.55° m5.6{6.4}→7.2 - 09'10☻...13'10 World&Italy/America CW≈-3° m6.1{7.2}=>6.8 Jup\Mer\Sun\Ven/Ear/Ura Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.8/*.* 19/20'10 Abruzzi/Lazio/Campania≈43° m3.0{4.3}=>4.4
-21'10 Sat\Mer\Sun Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.8/*.* 22/25'10 Japan≈43° m5.5{6.0}→6.8
- 24'10☺... 23'10/2'11 local Adriatic N≈46° m3.0{4.4}=>4.9; 24/29'10 Russia≈54° m7.7{7.6}→6.5 -25'10 Nep\Mer\Sun/Mer/Ear/Moo/Ura Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.8/*.*
26/29'10 local Piemonte≈48° m3.0{3.1}=>4.5; 27/31'10 local China W≈44° m4.9{5.0}→6.8; 31\13'10 local Russia W≈39° m4.9{6.0}→6.8 & 31'10/4'11 local Lucania≈41° m2.4{2.9}=>4.4;
1'11\30'10 local Toscana≈44° m3.6{3.4}=>4.4 & 1/12'11 Solomon≈-10° m5.2{5.8}→6.8 Jup/Mer/Moo/Ear\Sun/Ven\Ear\Ura Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.8/*.* 2/6'11 Alaska/Canada≈56° m5.5{6.6}→6.8
- 07'11☻... 11\10'11 Emily&GE ≈45° m4.3{4.4}=>4.4; 14/15'11 Italy NE≈46° m4.9{4.6}=>4.4; 16/21'11 Rock M.W/Montana≈43° m4.6{5.5}→6.7 Jup/Sun/Ven Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.7/*.*
- 22'11☺... 24'11 Sicily E Calabria≈39° m4.4{4.3}=>4.4 & 24/27'11 local Calabria with general Sud-Italy≈39° m4.4{3.4}=>4.4; 27'11/1'12 Gen. Concordance Peak/Indonesia≈-11° m6.2{7.0}→6.7;
30'11/5'12 Papua Gulf ≈-6 m6.0{6.8}→6.7 Jup/Sun/Mer/Ear Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.7/*.* 3/14'12 local America CE≈5° m5.2{6.5}→6.7 Ven/Ear/Ura Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.8/*.*
5/8'12 local Liguria≈44° m2.7{3.1}=>4.5 - 07'12☻... - 8'12 Sat\Sun\Ven\Ura\Sun\Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.9/*.* 11/12'12 Atlantic general&South≈-58° m5.6{6.0}→6.9;
12/14'12 Atlantic Nord≈29° m4.9{5.2}→6.9; 14\2'12 Pacific N/Hawaii≈19° m6.9{6.7}→6.9 & 14\13'12 Philippines≈15° m5.5{6.4}→6.9; 17\11'12 Vanuatu≈19° m5.6{6.3}→6.9;
20'12'18/10'1'19 Africa E≈9° m5.3{5.7}→6.9 Ear/Mar/Nep Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.9/*.* - 22'12☺... 25/28'12 Argentina≈ -36° m5.6{5.8}→6.9; 26'12'18/4'1'19 Burma≈15° 5.1{5.7}→6.9;
27'12 local Umbria≈43° m3.4{4.5}=>4.5; 28/29'12 local Sicily W≈38° m3.3{4.1}=>4.5 Jup/Mer/Ear Planetary Stress/Drag=m6.9/*.* 29'12'18\9'8'17 Rock M.W/Nevada≈38° m4.4{4.5}→7.3;
31'12'18/1'1'19 Global faults/Russia & /2'1'19 1°Tot. World/Antille≈52° m6.1{7.2}→6.9; 1'1'19 global AdriaticYug.≈41° m5.1{5.1}=>4.5 Sat/Sun/Moo/Ura/Mar/Sun/Mer Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.4/*.*
1/4'1 Italy NW≈45° m2.8{3.2}=>4.5 - 06'01☻'19... 7\6'1 Madagascar≈-13° m5.3{5.7}→7.4; 10\8'1 IberiAfrica≈41° m5.3{5.4}→8.1; 11\10'1 local Lazio/Abruzzi≈43° m3.4{4.3}=>4.8
Jup\Mer\Sun Planetary Stress/Drag=m8.1/*.* 13/22'1 Antille≈19° m4.7{6.0}→7.4 Sat\Mer\Sun Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.4/*.* 14'1 Sicily local E≈38° m3.6{3.7}=>4.8;
16/19'1 Marche MC-PG≈43° m3.3{5.5}=>4.8; 18/19'1 Ande/Chile≈-22° m5.2{5.5}→7.4 Nep\Sun\Mer/Sat/Mer/Sun/Ear/Moo Planetary Stress/Drag=m7.4/*.* 25/30'1 America C. ≈14° m5.6{6.3}→7.4;
29'1/3'2 local Lombardia/VE≈47° m2.5{3.1}=>4.8; 5'2 Africa CS≈-33° m5.6{5.8}→7.5 - 20'01☺... 2'2 Sicily general≈38° m3.7{4.4}=>4.8 & 2/5'2 local Campania≈41° m2.5{2.8}=>4.8 -04'02☻...
9\6'2 local Greece S≈37° m3.0{4.3}→6.5; 10/11'2 America CW/Guatemala≈14° m5.6{6.1}→7.5 & 10/26'2 Iceland≈60° m4.6{5.1}→7.5; 16\10'2 local Adriatic S/CB-CH≈42° m3.0{4.4}=>4.9;
18/20'2 General Tonga/Vanuatu/Solomon≈-18° m5.5{10±0.5}→7.5 & 18/21'2 MIX (Atlantic S 'N, America CE 'CW, Pacific N 'S, China E 'W, Russia E 'W, Solomon 'Vanuatu 'Tonga/Fiji)≈-22.07° m7.1{7.6}→7.5
- 19'02☺... 21'2/1'3 Arctic≈70° m6.4{6.3}→7.5; 24'2/1'3 India≈7° m5.5{5.5}→7.5; 27/28'2 local Greece N≈39° m5.1{5.4}→6.5;
21'3 Toscana/Umbria(Marche)≈43° m2.8{4.2}=>5.3; 24/26'2 OtherA/Philippines≈18° m6.4{6.6}→7.5; 4/14'3 Mexico≈15° m5.4{6.7}→7.5 - 06'03☻... 12/13'3 Papua N. Guinea/Porgera≈-3.78° m5.4{6.1}→8.1;
13/14'3 N. Zealand≈-35° m5.3{6.3}→8.1; 15/21'3 general Burma/India/China≈-46° m5.3{5.7}→7.5 - 20'03☺... 24'3 Iran≈35° m5.9{6.1}→8.1; 27'3 Italy&Greece≈37° m5.1{5.5}→7.0;
28/31'3 Tonga/Fiji local≈-18° m6.6{7.4}→8.1; 31'3 Abruzzi'Lazio'Umbria'Marche≈43° m3.4{4.9}=>5.3 - 04'04☻... 6/12'4 China East≈23° m6.4{5.9}→8.8 - 19'04☺...
20/27'4 China/Lianzhu≈23° m5.6{5.8}→8.8; 30'4/6'5 local Russia E≈50° m5.4{6.1}→8.8; 2/3'5 Australia≈-32° m4.7{4.8}→8.8
- 04'05☻... 8/12'5 Antarctic/Pacific≈-54° m5.3{5.6}→9.4 - 18'05☺... 23/27'5 Indonesia≈-0.18° m7.5{7.7}→9.4 - 02'06'19☻...
Agreements (Concordance) by July 2014
Many previsions are concordant with human seismic sensors!
- 4'7☻... [ 5←20'7 Alaska/Canada ≈53° m7.1{7.1}→5.3; 7←23'7 Iran ≈28←37° m5.5{5.2}→5.0; 9←14'7 Philippines≈4° m6.5{6.4}→5.2; 10←15'7 Concordance Peak, Ecuador≈1° m7.8{10.0}→6.3;
16'7←4'8 Atlantic Nord ≈31° m5.4{5.6}→5.2; 18'7←1'8 local Sicily W ≈38° m4.0{3.8}→3.1 ]
- 19'7☺... [ 22→28'7 global Adriatic ≈41→42° m4.8{4.8}→3.5; 30'7←6'8 local Piemonte/general NW ≈45° m3.2{3.3/3.6}→3.9; 4←5'8 general Sicily & local Sicily E ≈39° m4.2{4.4}→3.6;
4→5'8 local Adriatic N ≈44° m4.5{4.5}→2.6; 6→9'8 local Adriatic S ≈41° m4.8{4.6}→3.7; 10←15'8 local LombardVE≈46° m3.7{3.8}→3.1; 16'6₰17'7→12'8 Tonga-Vanuatu-Solomon ≈-18→-23° m6.2{6.1}→7.2;
27'6₰18'7→12'8 local Vanuatu ≈-17→-23° m7.1{7.1}→7.2; 19'8 local Sicily W ≈39° m4.6{3.8}→3.5; 12←31'8 1.st Total/Primary faults -23←-15° m5.8{6.7}→7.2; 19→27'8 local Campania ≈41° m3.0{2.6}→2.0;
19'8←5'9 Primary faults -55←52° m8.3{8.3}→7.4; 28←26'8 Indonesia ≈-7° m7.8{7.8}→6.0; 24'8←8'9 local Umbria≈43° m2.9{2.8}→5.3 ]
- 1'9☻... [ 9←24'9 Antarctic≈-55° m6.3{6.5}→6.3; 5→10'9 Ande ≈-6° m5.2{6.2}→6.0; 14←26'9 local Lucania ≈41° m2.8{3.2}→1.9 ]
-1'10☻... [ 19←26'9 South-Italy ≈39° m2.8{3.0}→3.4; 20'9←11'10 Indian Ridge≈-31° m6.6{6.9}→5.4; 21←22'9 Africa E ≈-13° m5.6{5.8}→5.1; 24'9←8'10 Concordance Peak/Tonga/Fiji m6.3{7.8} &
24'9←14'10 Tonga/Fiji local ≈ -20° m5.8{5.7}→6.9 & 24'9←10'10 MIX (Atlantic NS, America CW-CE, Pacific NS, China EW, Russia EW, Sol. Van. Tonga-Fiji) m7.8{7.8};
19→27'9 local Greece S ≈36° m5.2{5.2}→5.3;16→28'9 America CW ≈12° m5.4{5.7}→5.5; 6←22'10 IberiAfrica≈41° m6.1{5.9}→5.2; [3'9]←3←13'10 Sicily E Calabria≈38° m3.7{3.5}→3.6 &
[3'9]←6←18'10 local Calabria≈40° m3.5{3.5}→2.7; 7←22'10 Italy NE ≈47° m3.8{3.9}→3.5 ]
- 15'10☺... [ 15←29'10 Papua N. Guinea ≈-4° m6.1{6.8}→6.4; 15'10←6'11 local Greece N≈39° m3.9{5.1}→5.5; 14→17'10 general Burma/India/China≈33° m6.9{7.1}→6.4; 17←18'10 local China East≈33° m6.4{6.4}→6.4 &
17'10←7'11 general China≈33° m5.6{5.8}→6.4 & 17'10←12'11 Papua Gulf ≈-6° m6.4{6.2}→6.9; 22→23'10 Arctic≈86° m5.0{5.0}→4.7; 10→24'10 local Russia E ≈54→24° m7.2{7.2}→5.8 ]
- 30'10☻... [ 28'10←
2'11 local Sicily W ≈39° m3.4{4.4}=>5.7; 30'10←22'11 Italy&Greece Umbria/PG ≈43° m5.3{6.0}→6.5; 10'11←14'11 Rock MW ≈47° m4.9{5.2}→3.2; 12←14'11 local Solomon ≈-6° m4.9{5.6}→4.4;13←30'11 N. Zealand≈-43° m7.1{7.1}→7.8; 17'11←1'12 Atlantic S. local & Atlantic ≈-56° m7.2{7.3}→5.2; 9←20'11 local Campania≈41° m3.5{3.3}=>3.1; 18→22'11 Japan ≈37° m5.5{6.5}→6.9;
24'11←1'12 World&Italy 'Salvador←Ecuador≈12←0° m7.8{8.0}=>7.0; 18→25'11 RussiaW local ≈39° m7.2{6.7}→6.6; 31'10→30'11 local EmilyGE≈45° m3.2{3.4}→3.7; 3←30'12 Alaska/Canada ≈52° m5.3{6.0}→6.0;
5←30'12 America C.≈4.7° m7.8{7.6}→5.1 & 5'12'16←9'1'17 local America CE/Panama ≈4.7° m7.8{7.6}→5.1; 6'12'16←6'1'17 Antille≈11° m5.8{5.8}→5.9; 8←23'12 local China W ≈44° m5.5{6.6}→5.9;
8←24'12 Mexico/California≈40° m5.7{5.6}→6.5; 9←22'12 local Toscana≈44° m2.9{2.9}=>4.0; 11'12'16←9'1'17\3'12'16 Argentina ≈ -31° m6.7{6.0}→5.4; 17←23'12 general Concordance Peak/Papua N. Guinea ≈ -4° m6.9{7.8}→7.9;
17←19'12 local AdriaticS ≈40° m3.7{4.1}=>4.3; 29'11→18'12 Hawaii ≈18° m4.6{4.6}→4.5; 21'12'16←10'1'17 Other/Indonesia E. Timor ENE Dili≈-8° m7.8{7.8}→6.7; 22←28'12 local Piemonte ≈46° m3.9{3.9}=>3.1;
1→2'1 Iceland ≈53° m4.2{4.4}→4.8; 10←26'1 Philippines≈4.5° m7.7{7.8}→7.3; 12←31'1 Madagascar≈-20° m4.8{4.9}→5.5; 19'1←11'2 Australia≈-49° m5.9{5.8}→5.0; 20←23'1 Italy NW≈42° m3.9{3.9}=>2.7;
20'1←6/2 1°Tot. World/Solomon≈-10° m7.2{7.5}→6.5; 21←24'1 local Umbria≈43° m3.8{5.0}=>4.1; 22'1←12'2 Primary faults/Papua N. Guinea ≈-6° m7.4{7.7}→7.9; 12→23&30'1 Atlantic Nord ≈34&35° m5.2{5.3}→5.1&5.2;
13→23'1 Africa CSouth ≈ -49° m4.4{4.7}→5.1; 26→29'1 local Sicily W≈38° m5.7{4.5}=>3.5; 30'1 Sicily general≈38° m3.6{4.8}=>3.5; 30←31'1 Sicily local E≈38° m3.6{3.9}=>3.5;
30'1→1'2 local Calabria/S. Italy ≈40° m3.4{3.4}=>3.1; 20←21'2 Campania/Lazio/Abruzzi ≈43° m6.0{5.9}=>4.0; 21'2←6'3 Ande/Bolivia≈-19° m6.0{6.1}→6.5;
10→24'2 general Sol-Van-Tonga/Fiji S Ndoi≈-23° m7.2{7.4}→6.9; 24'2←25'3 America CW/Nicaragua≈13° m5.5{6.3}→4.9 ]
- 25'02☻... [27'2←21'3 Sicily E Calabria ME-Lipari ≈38° m3.6{3.3}=>4.0; 25'2→2'3 Iran/Turkey≈38° m5.0{4.7}→5.6; 4←20'3 local Greece S ≈35° m5.3{5.2}→4.4; 1→5'3 local Marche (AP-MC) Coast ≈43° m4.3{4.9}=>3.4 ]
- 12'03 ☺... [14←18'3 general Concordance/India≈6° m7.9{7.9}→6.0 & 14←23'3 India/Indonesia SSW Mohean≈6° m5.4{6.0}→6.0; 16←25'3 Tonga/Fiji local≈-24° m6.9{6.8}→5.5;
20'3←1'4 local Lazio/Abruzzi≈43° m6.0{5.6}=>3.5; 23←27'3 Lucania≈41° m4.3{4.3}=>3.1; 23'3←5'4 Italy NE≈46° m3.5{3.7}=>2.7; 25'3←4'4 local Campania≈42° m3.1{3.2}=>3.4;
25→28'3 America CW ≈5° m5.5{6.3}→5.3; 20→29'3 MIX-other/RussiaE≈57° m6.9{7.8}→6.6; 25→31'3 local Liguria ≈44° m3.7{3.8}=>3.3; 5←14'4 local Greece N≈38° m5.5{6.0}→4.9;
30'3←14'4 Burma≈17° 6.8{7.1}→4.2; 8←28'4 general Adriatic&local S≈42° m4.3{4.4}=>5.1; 16←19'4 general Burma/India/China≈-7° m5.9{6.3}→5.7; 20←28'4 local Sicily W≈38° m3.5{4.4}=>3.8;
26'4←6'5 Antarctic≈-65° m6.3{6.4}→5.2; 26'4 local Umbria≈43° m4.1{5.1}=>3.2; 27'4 Apuane/Marche: MC-PG ≈43° m5.9{6.1}=>4.0; 27←28'4 Italy&Greece/S Methoni ≈35° m6.5{5.9}→4.9; 4←8'5 Rock M.W≈44° m3.2{4.6}→4.2;
2→8'5 local AdriaticN≈43° m3.3{3.7}=>3.4; 9←21'5 Japan≈24° m6.9{7.2}→6.0; 10'5←4'6 local Vanuatu ≈-15° m7.2{7.2}→6.8; 10←24'5 Atlantic general&Atlantic S.≈-12° m5.2{6.3}→6.5;
13→24'5 local Solomon ≈-10° m4.4{5.9}→5.5; 12←22'5 local LombardVE≈47° m3.5{3.6}=>3.2; 19'5←2'6 Mexico/California≈17° m4.9{5.1}→5.8;
21'5→2'6 local Piemonte≈46° m3.1{3.8}=>3.0;29'5←2'6 Indonesia/Kasiguncu≈-1° m6.6{7.1}→6.8; 29'5→3'6 local Emily&GE≈45° m3.7{3.8}=>3.5; 31'5→3'6 Alaska/Canada≈52° m6.0{6.3} & Gen. Conc. Peak m6.0{7.9}→6.8;
9'6 local Toscana≈44° m4.0{3.7}=>3.0; 9←12'6 Abruzzi/Lazio/Umbria/Marche≈42° m6.5{6.3}=>3.9; 13←15/22&/23'6 local Calabria&S. Italy≈39° m3.4{5.8}=>3.2; 1←29'7 Italy NW≈46° m2.7{3.6}=>4.0;
4←23'7 Africa CS≈ -23° m5.1{5.9}→4.9; 6←9'7 Philippines≈11° m7.3{7.5}→6.5 & 6←10'7 World&Italy≈11° m7{8}=>6.5; 7←12'7 Papua Gulf≈-7° m6.9{7.2}→6.7; 29'6→11'7 IberiAfrica ≈36° m5.2{5.5}→4.9 &
11←17'7 1°Tot. World/N. Zealand≈-50° m6.5{7.5}→6.6 & 11←19'7 Global faults/N. Zealand≈-50° m7.9{8.0}→6.6 & 11'7←13'8 N. Zealand≈-50° m7.8{7.9}→6.6; 30'6→13'7 local China East/N. Korea≈41° m5.9{6.0}→5.9 &
12→13'7 China general≈41° m5.9{5.9}→5.9; 5→18'7 local Russia E≈54° m5.8{6.1}→7.7; 18→19'7 local Sicily W≈36° m3.8{4.6}=>3.1; 19←28'7 Sicily general ≈36° m3.5{4.5}=>3.1;
exceptional 21'7←25'8 h01:00r, Greece S≈37° m4.4{4.4}→6.7; 24←25'7 local Umbria≈43° m3.2{4.8}=>2.8; 27←29'7/1'8 Atlantic Nord Ocean≈13° m5.2{5.4}→5.9; 29'7←
13'8 Liguria≈42° m3.3{3.6}=>2.6;29→30'7 Sicily local E≈38° m3.5{3.7}=>3.3; 8←18'8 local Adriatic S≈42.42° m5.1{5.1}=>3.7 & 8←18'8 local Lucania≈39.94° m3.1{3.7}=>2.4 & 8←31'8 local America CE≈7° m5.9{6.7}→5.0;
12←18'8 Ande/Chile≈-30° m6.5{6.9}→5.8 & 14←20'8 Abruzzi/Lazio/Campania≈43° m4.0{5.2}=>3.0; 8→21'8 local Campania≈41° m3.4{3.3}=>3.6; 18←25'8 general Tonga/Vanuatu/Solomon≈ -18° m5.9{6.7}→6.4 &
17'8←15'9 Australia≈-49° m5.2{5.3}→5.1; 25←31'8 local Marche≈43° m3.4{4.5}=>3.3; 30'8→1'9 h18:41r, Greece S≈36° m4.4{4.4}→4.9; 1←23'9(→29'9) America CW≈10° m5.3{6.3}→5.3;
4←14'9 Sicily E Calabria≈39° m4.0{3.8}=>3.4 & 6←14'9 India≈10° m6.0{6.2}→5.4; 6←14'9 Tonga local≈-15° m5.5{5.9}→5.1; 6←19'9 Italy NE≈46° m2.7{2.9}=>3.4; 2→10'9 Gen. Conc. Peak/Iceland≈53° m7.9{7.9}→5.9 &
10'9←(24'8→)30'9 Iceland≈53° m4.8{5.4}→5.9; 11'9←3'10 local Greece N≈39° m4.9{5.5}→5.0; 21←22'9 MIX/...Vanuatu≈-19° m6.6{6.9}→6.4; 30'9←17'10 general Burma/India/China≈32° m5.7{6.0}→5.5;
2←17'10 local Sicily W≈36° m3.1{3.9}=>3.1; 12←25'10 Italy&Greece/Kos≈39° m4.9{5.8}→5.1; 13'10←30'10 Rock M.W/Oregon≈44° m4.2{4.9}→4.5; 14'10←5'11 Pacific N/Hawaii≈19° m4.5{4.9}→3.6;
15←21'10 local Umbria˜43° m2.8{4.5}=>3.2; 18←24'10 local Calabria˜39.74° m3.2{3.8}=>3.7; 19←28'10 Papua N. Guinea≈-5.55° m7.9{8.1}→5.6; 20←22'10 Antille≈20° m5.8{5.8}→4.8; 20←24'10 Toscana/Umbria˜43° m4.0{6.1}=>3.4;
25'10←4'11 local Adriatic N≈44° m3.4{3.9}=>4.2; 26←27'10 local Lazio/Abruzzi≈43° m3.5{4.8}=>2.9; 24→26'10 general Sud-Italy˜40.31° m3.2{3.8}=>3.8; 7→28'10 Arctic≈87° m5.8{5.8}→6.0 &
28←30'10 Other/Arctic≈87° m6.7{7.8}→6.0 & 28'10←14'11 local Russia W/Turkmenistan≈39° m6.6{7.0}→4.4; 1→3'11 Mexico/California≈19° m5.8{7.0}→5.7; 6'11←8'12 local Toscana≈44° m3.0{2.8}=>3.1;
6→7'11 China W/Kyrgyzstan≈40° m5.4{5.5}→4.7; 8←15'11 Argentina≈-24° m6.3{6.3}→4.8; 6→9'11 Japan/Hachijo-jima≈33° m6.0{6.5}→6.0; 18'10→12'11 Africa E≈9° m5.1{6.0}→5.3 & 28'10→12'11 Iran/Iraq≈35° m5.6{5.5}→7.3 &
12←17'11 America C.≈10° m5.9{7.7}→6.5; 17←22'11 Solomon≈-10° m5.5{6.3}→5.6 & 17←24'11 local Piemonte≈45° m3.0{3.6}=>3.1; 18→20'11 Burma≈24° 4.2{5.5}→4.9; 21→29'12 Antarctic/Pacific≈-53° m5.2{5.8}→5.7;
30'10→24'11 Rock M.W≈44° m4.2{4.9}→4.7; 23'11←25'12 local Lombardia/VE ≈46° m3.2{3.4}=>2.7; 27←28'11 Alaska ESE Whittier≈61° m6.8{6.9}→5.3; 14→30'11 Atlantic general & Atlantic S.≈ -1° m5.2{6.8}→6.5 &
30'11←10'12 Gen. Concordance Peak/Atlantic S≈-1 m5.9{7.9}→6.5; 2→6'12 local Umbria≈43° m2.8{4.6}=>2.9; 12←18'12 local Adriatic S≈42° m3.7{4.2}=>3.1; 11→23'12 local Liguria≈44° m2.6{3.2}=>2.3;
25'12'17←16'1'18 Madagascar≈-28° m5.9{5.8}→5.4; 26'12'17←15'1'18 Italy NW≈45° m2.5{3.4}=>2.4; ]
[ 1←22'1 Atlantic Nord≈32° m5.9{5.9}→4.7; 2←4→8'1'18 local Lucania≈40° m2.4{3.1}=>1.6→2.3; 29'12←2'1 Philippines≈4° m6.5{7.1}→5.7; 30'12'17→2'1'18 local Sicily W≈39° m3.1{3.8}=>3.5;
4'1←5'1'18 global Adriatic≈43° m5.1{5.1}=>5.2; 5→7'1 local Campania≈41° m3.6{3.9}=>2.3; 5→9'1 Global faults m6.6{8.0}→7.6 & 1°Tot. World/Tonga≈17°°≈-50° {7.4}→7.6 & 9←15'1 Sicily general≈38° m3.1{4.0}=>3.7;
13←26'1 Sicily local E≈39° m3.3{3.5}=>2.8; 14'1←8'2 Ande/Chile≈-16° m5.8{6.3}→7.1; 25'1←1'3 local Russia E≈55° m7.7{7.6}→6.2; 12→28'1 Africa CS≈-53° m5.0{5.8}→6.6; 21→23'1 Indonesia≈-7° m6.8{7.2}→6.0;
29'1←27'2 local Marche MC-PG ≈43° m3.4{4.4}=>3.2; 31'1←16'2 general Tonga/Vanuatu/Solomon≈-17° m6.4{6.6}→6.0; 4←12'2 Abruzzi/Lazio/Campania≈43° m3.0{4.6}=>3.4; 13'2←9'3 India≈12° m5.4{5.6}→5.6;
6←22'2 China≈24° m5.9{6.1}→6.4; 7'2←2'3 Vanuatu≈-19° m6.8{7.0}→5.6; 11'2←5'3 America CW≈8° m5.3{6.2}→5.3; 22←28'2 local Greece S≈37.86° m4.9{5.7}→5.0; 25'2←5'3 Italy NE/Triveneto≈46° m3.4{3.5}=>3.8;
25'2←11'3 local Greece N≈39° m5.0{5.6}→4.5; 20→26'2 World&Italy/Indonesia≈-2° m6.5{7.9}=>6.1; 1→6'3 Gen. Concordance Peak≈-6.29° m6.5{7.2}→6.7 & 6←28'3 Papua Gulf ≈-6.29° m5.4{6.8}→6.7;
1→7'3 local Calabria≈40° m3.7{3.6}=>4.4 & 7←9'3 general Sud-Italy≈40° m3.8{3.6}=>4.4 & 7←22'3 Sicily E Calabria≈39° m3.4{3.7}=>4.4; 10←17'3 MIX-Other≈-1° m6.4{6.8}→5.9; 21'3←10'4 N. Zealand≈-30° m7.2{7.2}→5.4;
23'3←1'4 local Sicily W≈37° m3.5{4.1}=>3.0; 25'3←2'4 mixed Burma/India/China≈-46° m5.5{5.7}→6.3; 28'3←10'4 Italy&Greece≈38° m5.1{5.7}→4.4; 26'3→1'4 Tonga/Fiji local≈25° m6.4{6.4}→6.1;
3←17'4 Toscana/Umbria≈43° m3.4{5.2}=>4.0; 11←17'4 Mexico≈34° m5.7{7.0}→5.3; 8→14'4 Iberia/Portugal≈40° m4.9{5.1}→
5.3; 16→18'4 local Umbria≈43° m2.9{4.5}=>2.9; 23'4←3'5 local America CE≈5° m5.0{6.0}→5.2;23→25'4 local Adriatic S/CB-CH≈42° m3.1{3.7}=>4.2; 26'4←3'5 Abruzzi/Lazio/Campania≈43° m3.4{4.7}=>2.8; 27→27'4 local Adriatic N≈46° m4.2{3.9}=>3.0; 3←7'5 local Toscana≈44° m3.1{2.9}=>3.6 &
3←18'5 local Solomon≈-10° m5.6{6.2}→5.2; 4←11'5 local Piemonte≈48° m3.1{3.3}=>3.0 & 4←28'5 Pacific N/Hawaii≈19° m3.6{4.3}→6.9; 7←24'5 Alaska/Canada≈56° m5.3{5.6}→5.5; 7→9'5 local Liguria/France≈44° m2.3{3.0}=>2.6 new
& 9←23'5 local Campania≈41° m2.3{2.8}=>2.3; 18→19'5 local Emily&GE≈45° m4.4{4.5}=>4.3; 20←22'5 Rock M.W/Montana≈43° m4.7{5.1}→4.6; 21'5←4'6 local Lazio/Abruzzi≈43° m2.9{4.4}=>3.4; 15'5←8'6 Iceland≈60° m5.9{6.0}→4.6;
1→3'6 Antille≈19° m4.8{6.2}→4.7; 5'6 local Lucania≈41° m2.4{3.0}=>2.4; 5→6'6 Atlantic general&South≈-58° m6.7{6.9}→5.6 & Gen. Concordance Peak/Atlantic≈-58° m5.9{7.4}→5.6; 16←29'6 Atlantic Nord≈29° m4.7{5.2}→4.9;
17←22'6 America C./Guatemala≈14° m6.5{7.0}→5.6 & 17←26'6 Philippines≈15° m5.7{6.6}→5.5 & 17'6←6'7 local Lombardia/VE≈47° m2.7{3.3}=>2.5; 20←29'6 Australia≈-32° m5.1{5.4}→4.7; 2←9'7 Italy NE≈46° m3.8{4.2}=>2.4;
26'6→3'7 Italy NW≈45° m2.4{3.1}=>2.8; 4'7 global Adriatic≈41° m5.2{5.2}=>5.1 & 4←8'7 local Sicily W≈38° m3.0{3.5}=>2.7; 5←11'7 Burma≈15° 4.9{5.7}→5.1; 6'7 Mag. lobal faults & 1°Tot. World/Russia≈52° m7.6{7.3}→6.1;
7←8'7 Sicily general≈38° m3.5{4.3}=>2.7; 24'6→10'7 Madagascar/Indian R.≈-32° m5.4{5.6}→5.6; 14←18'7 Sicily E Calabria≈39° m4.4{3.6}=>4.4 new & 14←19'7 general Sud-Italy≈39° m3.8{3.5}=>4.4 with
local Calabria≈39° m4.4{4.3}=>4.4 (VV-RC-CZ); 18←29'7 Sicily local E≈38° m2.8{3.0}=>3.6; 18→20'7 Papua Gulf ≈ -6.15° m6.7{7.2}→6.0; 13→21'7 Ande/Peru≈-22° m7.1{7.1}→5.2 & 21←27'7 Marche MC-TR≈43° m3.2{4.2}=>3.3;
15→22'7 Iran≈35° m7.3{6.8}→5.9; 23'7 Abruzzi/Lazio/Campania≈43° m2.8{4.3}=>3.0; 27'7→9'8 Africa CS≈-33° m6.6{6.7}→5.6 & 9←15'8 America CW/Guatemala≈14° m5.3{6.0}→5.6; 23→12'8 Argentina≈-36° m4.8{5.3}→5.6;
12←17'8 Arctic≈70° m6.0{6.0}→6.4; 13←20'8 local Greece S ≈37° m5.0{5.7}→3.0; 2→18'8 general Tonga/Vanuatu/Solomon≈-18° m6.0{6.5}→8.2; 18←24'8 Abruzzi'Lazio'Umbria'Marche≈43° m3.6{5.2}=>3.4 &
18←27'8 local Umbria≈43° m2.9{4.2}=>3.4; 22'8 local Liguria≈44° m2.6{3.1}=>2.7 new; 16→24'8 India≈11° m5.6{6.1}→5.5; 28'8←5'9 Gen. Concordance Peak/Indonesia≈-7° m5.6{7.4}→6.2; 29'8←7'9 OtherA/Philippines≈18° m6.0{6.8}→6.4
& 29←30'8 MIX (Atlantic S 'N, America CE 'CW, Pacific N 'S, China E 'W, Russia E 'W, Solomon 'Vanuatu 'Tonga/Fiji)≈-22° m5.9{7.1}→7.1 & 29'8→3'9 Papua N. Guinea/Kavieng≈-3.84° m5.6{6.4}→5.5: intermediate;
25→31'8 local Greece N≈39° m4.5{5.1}→5.1; [3←21'9 local Liguria≈44° m2.6{3.1}=>2.1 ex]; 5→8'9 & 8←19'9 China East & General/Lianzhu≈23° m6.4{6.4}→5.6; 11←29'9 Antarctic/Pacific≈-54° m6.0{6.1}→5.3;
12←25'9 general Burma/India/China≈-26° m6.3{6.3}→5.2; 13←19'9(←19'12) N. Zealand≈-35° m5.4{6.5}→5.3; 8→16'9 local Russia E≈50° m6.2{6.7}→5.4; [17←23'9 Sicily E Calabria≈38° m4.4{3.6}=>2.8 ex;]
18←23'9 local Adriatic S/Albania≈41.48° m4.2{4.4}=>3.0 & 18'9←6'10 local Campania≈41° m2.4{2.8}=>2.5; 20←23'9 Mexico≈15° m5.5{6.8}→5.4; 25→26'9 Italy&Greece≈35° m4.4{5.5}→5.0; 17→28'9 Indonesia/Palu≈-0.18° m6.0{6.4}→7.5;
28→29'9 Tonga/Fiji local≈ -18° m6.1{7.2}→6.6; 30'9←2'10 local Sicily W≈38° m2.7{3.9}=>3.3 ]
~!~ G.I.©2014 ~!~
- 14'04'14: | Jup|Plu78°Ear|Sun90°Moo*Mar|Sun | +Sat/Mar/Moo|Ven/Nep≈35° Mer/Ura≈90° Jup/Ear≈78° Sun | ||||
- 24'06'14: | Sat/Ear/Ven|Moo e624an_9.jpg |
- 23'04'15: |
- 11'09'15 : | Ven/Ear/Moo/Mar simsf911.jpg | Proba-2 eclipse ...☻: | ||||
- 14'09'15 : |
- 01'11'15 : |
- 29'02'16 : |
- 13'04'16 : |
~!~ See for next Alignments2016 Oppositions of next Planetary Max: 22'2☺... simsg229.jpg m8.65; 6'4☻... simsg407.jpg m9.27; 28'12☻... m7.64 ~!~
~!~ ~!~ ~!~
Celebrated UN-declared World Space Week, October 4-10
"Discovery" is the theme for World Space Week 2015, October 14-20:
Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and Earth seismicity (quantic seismology) 2015
Period Research on the Nepal ☼☻Ф☺֎ Seismic Magnitudo, Planets Gravity
STUDI PRO- influenza del sistema solare su clima terrestre, maree... e/o sismi
~!~ 2016SeismI.mp3 : Seismic World Sounds Jan/May 2016: 2016SeismI.mid ~!~
Cosa fare in caso di terremoto [INGV - sezione di Bologna] Cosa fare in caso di rischio idrogeologico (alluvione)
World Agreements (Concordance) by June 2014 (graphical display <=CLICk!
... ... ... 1° Quadro delle Concordanze <=CLICk! ~!~ 2014"2015 ~!~ CLICk!=> 2° Quadro delel Concordanze ... ... ...
... ... ... 3° Quadro delle Concordanze <=CLICk! ~!~ 2016"2017 ~!~ CLICk!=> 4° Quadro delle Concordanze ... ... ...
SEE also Stress16.xls
~ CLICk=> ... Космическая погода Space weather forecast December 1, 2015 ... <=CLICk ~
Prev. Earth ~ Prev. ITaly
Italy Swarms
~ CLICk=> Swarms Generals
<=CLICk ~
~ CLICk! => 2016
:Alignments: 2017 <=CLICk! ~~ Critical hours and Planetary incidences ~
La sincronicità dei terremoti comporterebbe velocità di onde sismiche interne 180 volte superiori a quelle sonore;
dobbiamo quindi supporre flussi di particelle localizzate da ben precise posizioni di Luna e Pianeti rispetto al Sole!
~ Il fatto che entro h01:30 gli effetti sismi si verificano nel contempo alla distanza media di 1/4 della circonferenza terrestre (ovvero almeno 9*106m) significa che le azioni sismiche si trasmetterebbero almeno in 6002km/h = 1667m/s = 4,86 Mach, ben superiore alla velocità del Suono in aria secca (343 m/s). Ciò smentisce evidentemente le teorie esclusivamente geofisiche (endogene) sull'origine dei terremoti: l'interazione interplanetaria con la Terra è un'osservabile quantistica e gravitazionale (Bendandi-Imbalzano theory 1900©2000) ~ Within h01:30 the seismic effects are verified at the same time to the average distance of 1/4 of the terrestrial circumference (that is at least 9106m): this means that seismic actions are to be transmitted at least in 6002km/h = 1667m/s = 4,86 Mach, very superior to the speed of the Sound in a sec fluid (343 m/s). This denies evidently the exclusively geophysical theories (endogenous) on the origin of earthquakes:
the interplanetary interaction with mother Earth is a quantic and gravitational observable ~
.!. = GI © IT = .!.
(Post of Supernove, planetary conjunctions and terrestrial seismicity)
2012 © Supernove, congiunzioni planetarie e sismicità terrestre Facebook © 2013
SEE also: Informazione eventi sismici e meteo (click→) World Space Week © 2013 Moncalieri TO Italy (←click)
(Click: 1 ←) ←Lista dei partecipanti attivi→ (→ 2 :Click): dettagli evento.
(click→) 2013 dominant planetary hours for ALL latitudes (←18'12'2013) on max-15 preceding events.
~!~!~! ~!~!~
EN. In the graph: a general demonstration (this was submitted to constructive criticisms of about 20 active participants away FaceBook to the conference on the WEB) that the hours of the seisms, also in the very distant localities, they are in accord with the position of these in comparison with the Planets (that induce flows of particles in gravitational field) and not only of the Sun or the Moon; in fact, the times are not tied exclusively to lunisolar peaks. Giovanni Imbalzano 10 October 2013 Moncalieri (TO)
IT. Nel grafico: dimostrazione generale (sottoposta alle critiche costruttive di circa 20 partecipanti attivi via FaceBook alla conferenza sul WEB) che le ore dei sismi, in luoghi anche molto distanti, concordano con la posizione di questi rispetto ai Pianeti (che inducono flussi di particelle in gravitazione) e non solo al Sole o alla Luna; infatti, i tempi non sono legati esclusivamente ai culmini lunisolari.
Nota Bene: nel grafico Dominant planetary hours for ALL latitudes (←03'11'2013) le "lancette" in corrispondono all'attuale opposizione (Moo/Sun) o dei Pianeti, nell'ordine Moo/Sun Mar/Nep Jup/Plu Jup/Ven Ura/Sat Ura/Mer ovvero, inversamente: Nep/Mar Plu/Jup Ven/Jup Sat/Ura Mer/Ura Sun/Moo (in verso orario) ma sovrapponendo le ore critiche in fasi successive la situazione si complica.
~!~ CLICk→ h00:00→07:59 h08:00→15:59 ←CLICk→ h16:00→23:59 ~!~
CLICk→ h00:00→24:00 Dominant planetary hours for ALL latitudes h00:00→00:00 ←CLICk
Personal thanks for the data published by
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia di Bologna,
US Geological Survey &
Real Time Seismic Monitor, Pericolosità sismica in Italia
Normativa antisismica Dipartimento Protezione Civile
Analytical potential -ln (z) of type -WIMP * "https://independent.academia.edu/GiovanniImbalzano" * Bode law from the WIMP
Sintesi di un metodo (sismologia quantistica) ~!~!~!~!~ Synthesis of a method (quantic seismology)
The WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) solenoidals are the more probable quantum particles of the strength field,
see also the graph Critical hours and Planetary incidences.
From the charts we deduces that the
WIMP globally produces
a less attractive forces in
comparison with the standard (anti -gravity apparent).
An impromptu quantic skips are able to disperse WIMPs (n*→nW) or anti -WIMPs (nW→n*):
Spin Dependence of Dark Matter Scattering, V. Barger, W. Y. Keungc and G. Shaughnessy, Wisconsin-California-Illinois University;
Low-Mass Dark-Matter Hint from CDMS II, Higgs Boson at LHC and Darkon Models, Xiao-Gang He and Jusak Tandean, National Taiwan University;
Zeta Spectral Action, M. A. Kurkov F. Lizzi, M. Sakellariadou, A. Watcharangkool, Università di Napoli Federico II - University of London Strand.
The deduced value for masses of the WIMP in
Gravitational quantization:
Seismic perturbation, Bode law and WIMP interactions,Quantizzazione gravitazionale: Perturbazioni sismiche, legge di Bode e interazioni WIMP,
are perfectly compatibles with experiments of Labs of the Soudan(CoGeNT) and of the Gran Sasso (INFN)
Più oltre, nel RIASSUNTO previsionale, in base alle periodicità qui dedotte, sono riportate le date attese di alte magnitudo, limitate dagli Stress planetari: Magnitudini, Coincidenze orarie e altri Indici di rischio relativi ai massimi tra fasi lunari estreme.
~ ~ ~
Tables of seismic Data & Tendencies: 1.st Faults * 2.nd Faults * Particulars
Tables of Hour concordances & Risk %: 1.st Faults' * 2.nd Faults' * Particulars'
~ ~
(Click→) <Dettaglio delle zone di rischio mondiali> (m5.7...8); ITALY (←Click)
Significance 18'12'12-1'9'13: Picks & Long. Lat. Richter.RTF World Time Zones by Alfred Simpson
~!~ Tables ~!~
Italy Regions:CLICk
for details=>
Crossed Previsions, in opportune coordinates e.g. Calabria < 39.85° ≤ Lucania:
Prevision Max Error / Period = 1,25% < 9h / month, for Italy
Prevision Max Error / Period = 1,68% ≈ 12h / month, for Earth
M 9.0+ possible for subduction zones along 'Ring of Fire,' study suggests
Volcanic Application: Vesuvian period decrescendo, crescendo
on Etna, with certain danger for next emissions...
↑ Zones to world risk: Legenda ←CLICk→ Peaks among Lunar extreme phases ←CLICk→ Shoulder/Front Planets (Reduced for Italy)
Latitudes follow the Earth inclination in comparison with the Sun:
planetary dominant hours are underlined and respect the predictions (latitudes variation inclusive)
Nel Trend delle Previsioni / Dati reali l'errore più vistoso (6'9 / 17'8) riguarda la Cina, ma sul periodo di 298 giorni l'errore è inferiore allo 0.1%
Interferenze planetarie lunisolari: strumentalmente, sono accertabili solo valori R.M. ≤10, qui in teoria <≈14.33
2013 ≈← CLICk! ≈ ≈ ! ≈ ≈ CLICk! →≈ 2014
Interferenze planetarie lunisolari: strumentalmente, sono accertabili solo valori R.M. ≤10, qui in teoria <≈14.33
~! ~
Un forte accumulo di M. produce aumento di m. sismica, proporzionale ai Kp disponibili
(l'approssimazione sperimentale in M è >1/10) indi δm(Flares) ≈δM/3 <≈10/3, mentre δm(Luna) <≈1.
֎ NB: l'aumento di m. riproduce l'assorbimento di particelle
WIMP, con diminuzione di
εr & aumento Єem =E·D/2;
analogamente per l'aumento di M.: 1/rε >1/rεₒ →m >mₒ. ֍
◙ ...☼... ◘
Critical seismic hours
CLICk! => Oscillazioni orarie intorno alla Mezzanotte, anche in Luna Nuova! ...☻...
~!~ ~!~ ~!~
CLICk! => Hour's Oscillation "Errors": normally in a retard in respect to the New Moon ...☻...
Poor gravity tendency to the WIMP's field!
Real Data <= Experimental confirmations => Reflex on theory (true Stress / solid Drag)
A connecting link the classic and quantic Physics
Un anello di congiunzione tra Fisica Classica e Quantistica
The predominant dark matter WIMP create himself spontaneously by harmonic potential!
L'area tra le curve di trazione/stiramento planetario (riflesse in negativo) può render l'idea di un'isteresi gravitazionale...
con effetti termici (vulcanesimo) e deformazioni sismiche.
☺↑ Past & Future ↓☻
Future ☼ Seismogram
≈ Da Maggio a Settembre dominarono fenomeni endotermici e solari ≈
Elliptic Stress & Hour Concordance
(click→) La religione dei Sumeri (da leggere tra le righe degli incunaboli) fu la prima Scienza! (←click)
(click→) Dominanza delle estreme fasi lunari sugli altri influssi e
(←click)(click→) aumenti delle latitudini sismiche proporzionali all'inclinazione dell'asse terrestre verso l'esterno (←click)
== Libellula planetaria & Scarabeo sismico == Planetary dragonfly and seismic Beetle ==
~ ~ ~
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1.st PHASE <= ≠≠≠ =>Ritorna
1ª Phase =:
* * * * *
←~ Physics (fisica)... ...
Luna Rossa ♪♫♪♫ =CLIk!= ♫♪♫♪ .mid
~ Fenomeni naturali ~
Innalzamento degli Oceani nel XXI secolo?
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