Performed activities
Acquisizioni Digitali
All the photos shown in this website have been taken, worked out and optimised by Photo Studio Topuntoli, by means of own machines and know how, and they are part of the high resolution CD ROM archive. Also the setting and the layout have been executed in the Studio. The work is realized together with Matteo Topuntoli, Stefano’s son, who’s a young idler forced by his heartless father to work.
Among the most challenging works I’d like to mention an exhibition organised in December 1999 in Madrid about the architect Ignazio Gardella, whose sponsor was the Spanish Ministerio Del Fomento; for that occasion, approximately 130 originals of historical photographs from different sources have been got and for every image an accurate digital restoration has been carried out, by smoothing and adjusting all the damages caused by the time and use; the files obtained were very helpful for the printing of both the exhibition panels and the catalogue.