1980/2010 Giovanni Imbalzano Lulu © La magica storia della Santa Sindone
Dall'inizio dei secoli
Certificato dai Tre Re, Santa Nouné, Taddeo e Tommaso, Pietro e
Luca, Matteo e Giovanni, Giuseppe d'Arimatea e Maria di Betania
«Un giovanetto però lo seguiva, rivestito soltanto di un lenzuolo, e lo fermarono. Ma egli, lasciato il lenzuolo, fuggì via nudo» Marco (14, 51-52)
+° MILLENIUM: Thomas, Lucas, John, Joseph, Mary, Maguses..!
Magus's King ~ 6 BC Linen
Acts 20,28: “
Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of the Lord, which he obtained with his own blood ”
... /...
Lady of Priscilla, III century / Jonah thrown back by the sea dragon, St. Marcellino and Peter II century / Sol Invictus, Vatican Caves III century
Birth and super-Star of blood (-6) . /. Victoria on the dragon of the death (33) . /. Return to father with the pearl
... / ...
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Karanlik Kilise ~ IV century . /. Good Shepherd, Priscilla, III century . /. Trinity, icon of Andrei Rublev ~ 1410 AC
Parable of Bar-Daisan (214) ./. Aggai: the life is for sheep (190) ./. Treasure of the Eucharistic Trinity (381)
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”(13,45 Mattew 13,52)
Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house, who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.”
Super-Nova n° 1987a, reminiscing to the painting in catacombs of Priscilla, “deja vue” of the Magus's!
The description of Magus's is only compatible with the presence of a super Nova, as a rotating beacon and quite close to our galaxy, such that it obscure the moon. The appearance of a supernova in our galaxy is not at all rare: since of Christ epoch to the Middle Ages, without the telescope, the ancients have saw this once every hundred years. This phenomenon is violent and of minimum duration (a few hours to a few days) and involves a rapid change in the amount of C14 in the absence of its recycling (as in mountain areas, away by high seas). From the tables of variation of C14, compared with the presence of other sightings of supernovae, I deduced that the above can be happened only between 50 BC and 50 AC. [To deepen, read the Magic Note] Also the analysis of C14 on the Holy Shroud are proof of this, in fact the "slag's" of flax (outer) contain minus quantity of C14, as if they were older.
This "anomaly" just confirms the enrichment of C14 production for the flax in those days, at least in mountain areas, specifically to Armenia, where the linen was woven, with some cotton fibers, as occurs for the Holy Shroud. I remember the processing steps involving the steeping of flax (exposure to bacteria) in humid and the sizing (with gummy substances) to protect the tissue stiffened. The Holy Shroud shows that this was done, but little time further the webbing time, just as the mores in Middle East. The Holy Shroud, which has no closing edge, was cut from a large piece of fabric, which could also be preserved for a long time. Similarly, the herringbone texture does not follow a counter-clockwise as the Egyptian custom but only one clockwise, as was the custom in ancient East.
Il diametro delle fibre varia intorno a 0,015 mm, e presenta qualche impurità di cotone
. Si ricordano ritrovamenti simili, con tessitura a “Z”, almeno del III secolo, a Palmyra (Siria) e Al-Tar (Iraq) oltre che nel deserto della Giudea. Le fasi di lavorazione del lino prevedono la macerazione (esposizione ai batteri) in luoghiumidi e l’appretto (con sostanze gommose) per proteggere il tessuto, irrigidendolo. La Sindone mostra che questo fu eseguito, ma poco oltre la tessitura, come avveniva soltanto in Medioriente. Infine, il Telo non presenta alcun bordo di chiusura e fu ritagliato da un grande pezza di tessuto (che poteva conservarsi anche a lungo).
The Magus's story, the existence of the supernovae and the C14 analysis they come to an agreement "synchronically". The "diachronic" study (or historical path) of the Holy Shroud implicate only the authenticity, at least in the sense that it reproduces the body of a man tortured, killed and buried by crucifixion in Roman times, as described by Pope Benedetto XVI during his visit to the Holy Shroud of Turin (May 2, 2010).
Last searches on the "miraculous" formation of the image :
hypothesis and negativeness of the Holy Shroud image
Lo zelota aramaico Giuda Taddeo e il pittore siriano Luca
Splendono, come sempre, con l’immagine di Cristo e della Madonna.
Thomas: "...we may die with him." (John 11:16), in his own country .. "Is not this the the carpenter, the son of Mary...?" (Mark 6:3)
"Our Lady" of Priscilla (Rome, c. 3) resembles that of S. Luke 98%: it is less "sad."
The physiognomy provides acquired characteristics, not purely genetic, but sometimes very similar to describe a single archetype.
Roma: Our Lady of Priscilla, Christ Hypogeum (IV century) and Joseph of S. Maria
Maggiore (V century) are similar (87% .. 89%) to the Face of the Holy
Shroud, but like 92% to the Pantocrator of Dafni (XI century, similar to that of Sinai, 540), this may confirm the pre- existence of the Holy Shroud
(Paul Vignon, 1938).
The Pantocrator coincides with the face of "Entry into Jerusalem" (Dafni, II
century) 89%,
but with Holy
Shroud 96%;
obviously there must be an original: it is the face of a Man
of Paleo-Christian era. In fact,
images of the original subsequent to the 6th century, have a similarity less than 89% with the Shroud and consequently, they are posthumously interpretations.
Of course, compared to the performances of Daphnis, the primitive figure is the Holy Shroud, simply because it is more "rich in information".
!..G. Imbalzano, Moncalieri © 2000~2010 (To) IT..!
The physiognomic characters recorded for the Man of the Holy Shroud are statistically compatible with those of blood (masculine) group AB found for it.
Following the dietetics, the people in the group AB are favored by a particular nutrition, compatible with the habits of Jesus of the Gospels:
Diet and Type AB ~
Human Triad ~
Divine Triad
The gospels, the chemical analyses and the eidetic science of the Shroud are through and through coherent and they are reciprocally certified!
"And when He comes, He will convict the world concerning Sin and Righteousness and Judgment..." (John 16,8)
~ Jubilaeum' Eyes ~
“And they spit on him and took the reed and struck him on the
head.”(Mattew 27,30)
~ Eyes of the Shroud ~
Among the
locks, also in the positive photo, there is a pearl of blood of the crown,
similar to signs of the scourges, or over the side of the Man and in the stigmas "cY":
this maybe has inspired Bar-Daisan in 214!
!..out of from the Space & out of from the Time..!
# .."Annibal D'Animo" Lyricae..
# #
..Vatican Radio.. # & #
..Vatican Television.. # #
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Karaoke cristiani : # & # :
LuceDelMondo.KAR : # & # :
# #
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !
Una testa piccola così, per un sistema così piccolo
in una galassia tanto piccola, per un universo così grande...
in una testa piccola così!
''Il regno dei cieli è simile a un chicco di senape
che un uomo prese e seminò nel suo campo'' {Matteo 13, 31}
images _
from BOOMERANG the center of the third millennium spatial studies
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La LUCE PRIMORDIALE che ha generato l'Universo, fin dal suo primo istante, rivela strutture NON CASUALI,
come un misterioso TRIPLICE VOLTO, che qui propongo per uno studio di tipo "sindonico" G.I.
Risoluzione consigliata: 1024*768.
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What will see we..?
è SCIENZA e non lo è; è GESTALT e non lo è;
è PSICOLOGIA e non lo è; è FILOSOFIA e non lo è;
è RELIGIONE e non lo è; è MITO e non lo è:
la Prima Emanazione dell'Unico Pensiero,
risalendo la china di 15 miliardi d'anni...
fino alla profetica ARTE PRIMORDIALE del Big Bang!
~ Minimal Bibliography ~
C. G. Jung & K. Kerényi, Einfurung in das Wesen der Mytologie (1940 ZURICH Jung-Institut);
D. Katz, Gestalt Psycologie (1948 BASILEA Benno Schwalbe & Company);
P. Teilhard de Chardin, Hymne de l'Univers (1961 PARIS du Seuil);
Arc. S. Baldassarri, Rab. E. Toaff, Patr. E. Atenagora & Frère M. Thurian, la Bibbia Concordata (1968 IT Mondadori);
J. Piaget, Le structuralisme (1968 PARIS Universitaire);
J. Jacobi, Die Psycologie von C. G. Jung (1971 OLTEN Water Verlag);
E. W. Russell, Report on Radionics (1973 LONDON Russell);
R. Breuer, Das anthropische Prinzip (1981 MÜNCHEN Breuer);
S. Zardoni, Reliquie e immagini: alcune linee di teologia, II Conv. Naz. Sindone. 1981 (1983 BOLOGNA CLUEB);
J. D. Barrow & F. J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (1986 OXFORD University);
R. Löw, Die neuen Gottesbeweise (1994 AUGSBURG Pattloch);
M. Mantovani, Scienza e fede nel dialogo "Ricerche teologiche" X.2 (1999 ROMA Dehoniane);
F. J. Tipler, The Physics of Christianity (2007 Doubleday);
G. Imbalzano
Conformal Constants & New Physics (2008 NY Lulu).~
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~ Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi ~