Which voice for Alfredo Piatti’s cello? Quelle voix pour le violoncelle d’Alfred Piatti? Un parcours de l’interpretation Welche Stimme für das Cello Alfredo Piattis?
« I could
like, said my mother, to look through the keyhole out of
— Call it by its right name, my dear, quoth my father —
And look
through the keyhole
as long
as you will »
Laurence Sterne,
"The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman"
vol. VIII,
London 1761
«Et ignotas animum dimittit
in artes naturamque novat.
Nam ponit in ordine pennas, a minima coeptas,
longam breviore sequente,
ut clivo crevisse putes:
sic rustica quondam fistula
disparibus paulatim surgit avenis.
Tum lino medias et cerit adligat imas,
atque ita compositas parvo curvamine flectit,
ut veras imitetur aves.»
Ovidio, Metamorfosi, VIII, 188/195