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(10 + n)-momentum
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
absolute parallelism
The basic geometric and
action principle
The action principle and
active transformations
Tensor and spinor fields | Flat Minkowski spacetime and | Noether's theorem
anholonomic components
anti-de Sitter spacetime
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
axial symplectic subgroup
Subgroups of $SL(4, \mathbf{R})$
balance equation
Minimal coupling and the
base of a bundle
bundle of extended frames
Maxwell and Yang-Mills fields
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
Fermions in the Standard
canonical form
Connection, soldering, curvature and
causal influence
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
causally disjoint
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
classical geometry
Critical remarks
complete solution
Dynamical variables and symmetry
composition of transformations
The operational interpretation and
A wedge $\mathcal{T}^+$ in
connected solution
Dynamical variables and symmetry
A compact formalism
connection coefficients
Parallel transport
connection form
Connection, soldering, curvature and
constant solution
Dynamical variables and symmetry
contraction of groups
Subgroups of $SL(4, \mathbf{R})$
cosmological constant
The Einstein-Cartan theory of
Conserved forms
curvature form
Connection, soldering, curvature and
de Sitter spacetime
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
Dynamical variables and symmetry
dimensional analysis
Macroscopic physical interpretation
Dirac brackets
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
Dirac's large numbers problem
A geometrized scalar-tensor theory
distinguished point
Flat Minkowski spacetime and | Normal field equations and
double differential forms
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
dynamical torsion
Macroscopic physical interpretation
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
equity principle
The equity principle, the
The spacetime coincidence
extremal elements
The Lorentz invariant cone
feasibility cone
The Lorentz invariant cone
feasible infinitesimal transformations
A wedge $\mathcal{T}^+$ in
The spacetime coincidence
fundamental vector fields
The basic geometric and | The operational interpretation and
gauge field strength
Parallel transport
gauge field theories
gauge fixing constraints
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
gauge transformation
Dynamical variables and symmetry
generalized Gauss law
Conserved forms
geometric symmetry group
Dynamical variables and symmetry
global spacetime interpretation
The spacetime coincidence
Hausdorff separation axiom
The spacetime coincidence
holonomic components
homogeneous space
Dynamical variables and symmetry
horizontal degree
A compact formalism
horizontal subpace
A compact formalism
horizontal tangential equations
The Einstein-Cartan theory of
ideal accelerated clock
The symmetry group $GL(4, \mathbf{R})$
ideal clock
The symmetry group $GL(4, \mathbf{R})$
infinitesimal transformations
The operational interpretation and
integrable distribution
The spacetime coincidence
integral manifolds
The spacetime coincidence
internal degree
A compact formalism
internal gauge theory
Internal gauge theories
Lagrangian form
The action principle and
The spacetime coincidence
left translations
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
Lie derivative
Dynamical variables and symmetry
local section
Covariant derivatives and spin
local spacetime interpretation
The spacetime coincidence
Lorentz vertical degree
A compact formalism
Mack's principle
Microscopic considerations and dilatations
Maurer-Cartan one-forms
Maxwell and Yang-Mills fields
Maxwell 2-form
Conserved forms
Maxwell equations
Internal gauge theories
The operational interpretation and
measurement procedures
The operational interpretation and
metricity condition
Parallel transport
minimal coupling
Minimal coupling and the
minimum time principle
The equity principle, the
Minkowski spacetime
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
modified geometry
The Lorentz invariant cone
moving frame
normal field equations
The action principle and
normal geometry
The basic geometric and
normal limit
Higher symmetries and a
orientable manifold
parallel transport
Parallel transport
passive transformations
Tensor and spinor fields | Flat Minkowski spacetime and
phase space
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
physical equivalence
The spacetime coincidence
pre-symplectic space
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
preparation procedure
Critical remarks
primary Lagrangian constraints
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
primary local spacetime coincidence
The spacetime coincidence
principal fiber bundle
The operational interpretation and
projection mapping
pseudo-Finslerian space
The symmetry group $GL(4, \mathbf{R})$
The symmetry group $GL(4, \mathbf{R})$
reciprocal influence
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
regular cubic coordinate system
The spacetime coincidence
relational geometry
The operational interpretation and
relativistic angular momentum
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
relativity principle
The operational interpretation and
repère mobile
restricted measurement procedures
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
restricted measurements
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
reversible infinitesimal transformations
A wedge $\mathcal{T}^+$ in
Riemann curvature tensor
Parallel transport
right translations
Flat Minkowski spacetime and
scalar field
Scalar fields
scalar-tensor theory
A geometrized scalar-tensor theory
secondary local spacetime coincidence
The spacetime coincidence
The operational interpretation and
soldering form
Connection, soldering, curvature and
space of motions
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
spacelike submanifold
Orbits in $\mathcal{T}$ and
spacetime coincidence
The spacetime coincidence
spatially localized quantity
Conserved forms
spin connection coefficients
Covariant derivatives and spin
spin structure
Tensor and spinor fields
Tensor and spinor fields
$SL(4, \mathbf{R})$ spinors and $SO(3,3)$
spontaneous symmetry breaking
The spinor representation of
Standard Model
Fermions in the Standard
strictly operational interpretation
The operational interpretation and
structural group
structure coefficients
A compact formalism
structure equations
Connection, soldering, curvature and
Dynamical variables and symmetry
substitution rule
Higher symmetries and a
symplectic double form
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
symplectic form
Pre-symplectic formalism and double
tangential field equations
The action principle and
The basic geometric and
time orientable manifold
torsion form
Connection, soldering, curvature and
torsion tensor
Parallel transport
total degree
A compact formalism
total dilatations
Microscopic considerations and dilatations
transformation procedures
The operational interpretation and
The operational interpretation and
The basic geometric and
vacuum state
Dynamical variables and symmetry
vector symplectic subgroup
Subgroups of $SL(4, \mathbf{R})$
vertical reflection
Subgroups of $SL(4, \mathbf{R})$
vertical subpace
A compact formalism
vertical tangential equations
The Einstein-Cartan theory of
A wedge $\mathcal{T}^+$ in

Marco Toller